About the Federation Federation Meetings Resources

About Federation of the Ecological Societies of the Americas
  • History of the Federation
    The Ecological Society of America took a leadership role in reaching out to the community of ecological scientists in the Americas by hosting a gathering of the Presidents of the Ecological Societies of the Americas, August 2, 2003 just prior to the ESA Annual Meeting in Savannah, Georgia. The meeting was attended by representatives of ecological societies from Argentina, Canada, Chile, Mexico, United States and Venezuela. The objective of this one-day meeting was to explore possibilities for collaboration among ecological societies of the Americas and to seek novel ways to address common goals, needs, and emerging challenges. The meeting was designed to allow each President to briefly describe their society and its mission and collectively explore common issues, the desirability of future collaboration, and a process to continue a dialogue.
  • Objectives of the Federation/Members


Last updated: August 18, 2008
Maintained by esa.org