From all of us at ESA, we are grateful for the wonderful generosity of so many in our community. Your contributions have helped build an enduring foundation for the SEEDS – Strategies for Ecology Education, Diversity and Sustainability – program to support a national field trip for 20 undergraduate students.
The Henry L. Gholz SEEDS National Field Trip Endowment was established in 2017 and since then has raised $441,222 from 626 donors. This completes our initial target of $400,000 and we plan to continue accepting gifts. Please consider the endowment in your future giving plans.
So many of you have left us your thoughtful and encouraging notes on why you gave, what SEEDS means to you and how much Dr. Henry L. Gholz had been a part of your lives. Be inspired by this gallery of tributes to Dr. Gholz and the SEEDS program.
The Henry L. Gholz SEEDS National Field Trip Endowment was established in 2017 and since then has raised $441,222 from 626 donors. This completes our initial target of $400,000 and we plan to continue accepting gifts. Please consider the endowment in your future giving plans.
So many of you have left us your thoughtful and encouraging notes on why you gave, what SEEDS means to you and how much Dr. Henry L. Gholz had been a part of your lives. Be inspired by this gallery of tributes to Dr. Gholz and the SEEDS program.
Endowment Stats
Ahead of Schedule
More than $125,000 matched!
Record # of donors
626 donors contributed
Raised by Q1 of 2023
Contributors up to March 2023
Founding Sequoia Circle
Contributed Over $10,000
- Jill Baron and Dennis Ojima
- Jan Engert
- Stephen and Carol Hart
- Linda Joyce
- Matthew and Susan Kane
- Anonymous
- Michael Melampy
- Vicki Moore (iho Kendra Chan)
- Phillip Taylor
Wandering Albatross Circle
Contributed between $5,000 – $10,000
- Dan Binkley
- Elizabeth Blood
- Alan Covich
- Linda Lind
- Wayne Richter
Blue Whale Circle
Contributed between $1,000 – $5,000
- Mary Barber
- Bernd Blossey
- Carol Brewer
- Leonardo Calle
- Terry Chapin
- Norman and Portia Christensen
- Sharon Collinge
- Scott Collins
- James Collins
- Anthony Darrouzet-Nardi
- Eric Davidson
- Linda Deegan
- Katherine and Jack Ewel
- Alexander Flecker
- David Foster
- Barbara Gholz
- Nancy Grimm
- Sally Holbrook
- Laura Huenneke
- Ron Johnson
- Linda Joyce
- David Kicklighter
- Alan Knapp
- Sparkle Malone
- Pamela Matson
- Helen Michaels
- Teresa Mourad
- Catherine O’Riordan
- Sonia Ortega
- Dianna Padilla
- Louis Pitelka
- Thomas Powell
- Mary Power
- William and Alicia Robertson
- Russell Schmitt
- Michael Swift
- Jean Talbert
- Peter Vitousek
- Nathaniel Wheelwright
- Craig Williamson
- Barbara Wilson
Komodo Dragon Circle
Contributed between $500 – $1,000
- Steven Allison
- Emily Bernhardt
- Michael Binford
- Mark Brunson
- Charles Canham
- Zoe Cardon
- Carmen Cid
- Susan Conard
- Marty Downs
- Christopher Field and Nona Chiarello
- Joshua Ginsberg
- Deborah Goldberg
- Laura Gough
- Wendy Gram
- Rosine Hall
- Nancy Hillstrand
- Sarah Hobbie
- Rob Jackson
- John Keane
- Katherine McCarter
- Roger Nisbet
- Richard Norby
- Diane Pataki
- Malin Pinsky
- Robert Ricklefs
- Victor Riemenschneider
- Osvaldo Sala
- David Schimel
- Cynthia Suchman
- Alan Tessier
- Jennifer Thaler
- John Watson
- Kathleen Weathers
- Weixing Zhu
Monarch Butterfly Circle
Contributed between $100 – $500
- Barbara Abraham
- Joel Abraham
- David Ackerly
- Frederick Adler
- Lynn Adler
- Anurag Agrawal
- Paul Alaback
- Jim Alford
- Marie Auger-Méthé
- Laura Backus
- Pedro Barbosa
- Ann Bartuska
- John Battles
- Elena Bennett
- Alan Berkowitz
- Brandon Bestelmeyer
- Seth Bigelow
- Sharon Billings
- John Bishop
- Jessica Blois
- Patrick Bohlen
- Barbara Bond
- Ben Bond-Lamberty
- Alice Boyle
- Nicholas Brokaw
- Laurie Brown
- Randall Brown
- Deron Burkepile
- Gerardo Camilo
- Diane Campbell
- E. Campbell
- Jeannine Cavender-Bares
- Daniel Childers
- Lynn Christenson
- Anne Clark
- William Clark
- Rese Cloyd
- Liza Comita
- Elizabeth Cook
- Jeffrey Corbin
- Kathryn Cottingham
- Mark Courtney
- Wendell Cropper
- Stephanie Cruz-Maysonet
- Anthony Cullen
- Carla D’Antonio
- Frank Davis
- Evan DeLucia
- John Dennis
- Timothy Dickson
- Ann Dorsey
- Jeffrey Duda
- J. Emmett Duffy
- Clifford Duke
- Constance Dupras
- Mary Duryea
- Elaine Duvas
- Laurie Eberhardt
- Vincent Eckhart
- James Ehleringer
- Jessica Ernakovich
- Timothy Essington
- Sarah Evans
- Adrien Finzi
- Patricia Flebbe
- Stephan Flint
- Steven Fonte
- Paula Fornwalt
- Janet Franklin
- Jason Fridley
- Jennifer Funk
- Montona Futrell-Griggs
- Monica Geber
- Catherine Gehring
- Charles Gholz
- John Gholz
- Sophia Gholz
- Anne Giblin
- Sarah Gilman
- Christine Goodale
- Paul Gray
- Kristine Grayson Dattelbaum
- Corinna Gries
- Joshua Grinath
- Yaffa Grossman (iho Dr. Marjorie M Holland)
- James Grover
- Richard Guenzel
- Carola Haas
- Nelson Hairston
- Sharon Hall
- Stephanie Hampton
- Sakshi Handa
- Frances Hanzawa
- Colin Hardy
- Mark Harmon
- Bonnie Harper-Lore
- Susan Harrison
- Alan Hastings
- Thomas Hinckley
- Pui Ho
- Ava Hoffman
- Karen Holl
- Richard Holmes
- Carole Hom
- Jon Honea
- David Hooper
- Carol Horvitz
- Tara Hudiburg
- Catherine Hulshof
- Nancy Huntly
- Brian Inouye
- David Inouye
- Louis Iverson
- Dana Jackson
- Fredric Janzen
- Julia Jones
- Megan Jones
- Marilyn Jordan
- Karen Kainer
- Marta Kaluza
- Ronald Karlson
- Kathleen Kavanagh
- Ann Keith
- Emily Klein
- Robert Klinger
- Dennis Knight
- Kimberly Komatsu
- Nikita Kowal
- Mattias Lanas
- Susan Lehnhardt
- Simon and Carole Levin
- Karin Limburg
- Richard Lindroth
- Daniel Liptzin
- Henry Loescher
- Michael Loik
- Hongyan Luo
- William Lyons
- Richard Mack
- John Magnuson
- Douglas Maguire
- Marc Mangel (imo Donald Levin)
- David Mauriello
- Melanie Mayes
- Peter McCartney
- Deedra McClearn
- William McDowell
- Terrence McGlynn
- Deborah McGrath
- J. Patrick Megonigal
- Vicky Meretsky
- Gretchen Merrill
- Marc Meyer
- George Middendorf
- Gayle Monkkonen
- David Moore
- Manuel Morales
- Ann Murphy
- Knute Nadelhoffer
- Shahid Naeem
- Raymond Newman
- Daniel Nidzgorski
- Tim Nuttle
- Linda Pardo
- John Pastor
- Ariane Peralta
- Susan Perkins
- Karen Petersen
- Lara Peterson
- Richard Phillips
- Dayani Pieri
- Bailey Piper
- Stephen Porder
- Jennifer Powers
- Mary Price
- Jorge Ramos
- Daniel Reed
- Sasha Reed
- Carla Restrepo
- Courtney Richmond
- George Robinson
- Amy Rosemond
- Nathan Rudd
- Roger Ruess
- Michael Ryan
- Robert Sanford
- John Schade
- Karina Schafer
- Paula Schiffman
- Mark Schildhauer
- Anna Schoettle
- Lisa Schulte Moore
- Gillian Schultz
- Eugene Schupp
- Kirsten Schwarz
- Gaius Shaver
- Allison Shaw
- Dave Shutler
- Stephen Sillett
- Whendee Silver
- Robert Smythe
- Robin Snyder
- Patricia Soranno
- David Spiller
- Adrienne Sponberg
- Emily Stanley
- Daniel Stanton
- Christina Staudhammer
- James Stegen
- Paul Stoy
- Diana Stralberg
- Alex Strauss
- Sharon Strauss
- Frederick Swanson
- Jean Talbert
- Katherine Thompson
- William Tietjen
- Dirk Vanderklein
- Rodrigo Vargas
- Erin Vinson
- Elizabeth Walsh
- Paige Warren
- Tim Watkins
- Thompson Webb
- Jake Weltzin
- Thomas Wentworth
- Briana Whitaker
- Debra and Rich Whitall
- Dorothy White
- Ethan White
- William Wood
- Ruth Yanai
- Donald Zak
- Phoebe Zarnetske
- Wayne Zipperer
- Donald Zobel
Black Eyed Susan Circle
Contributed between $50 – $100
- Fred Abbott
- James Amon
- Sarah Anderson
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Mathieu Basille
- Tracy Benning
- Thomas Biksey
- Beth Birmingham
- Jennifer Bloom
- Riley Book
- William Bowman
- Richard Bradley
- J. Renee Brooks
- Laura Broughton
- Jesse Brunner
- Elizabeth Brusati
- Monika Calef
- Tiffany Carey
- Mary Carroll
- Brenda Casper
- Lisa Castle
- Donald Charles
- Weixin Cheng
- John Chick
- Kenneth Clark
- Teri Cleeland
- Liane Cochran-Stafira
- Dana Coelho
- Jana Compton
- Alycia Crall
- Julie Craves
- Peter Curtis
- Kristin Dennis
- Julie Denslow
- Kathryn Docherty
- Jeffrey Dukes
- Olivia Enneking
- Howard Epstein
- Morgan Ernest
- Timothy Fahey
- Mary Firestone
- Suzanne Fleishman
- Jessica Forrest
- Emily Francis
- Augusto Franco
- Pam Froemke
- Jennifer Gambino-York
- Samantha Gatzke
- Johannes Gessler
- Renee Gholz
- Doris Goldman
- Maria Gonzalez
- Miquel Gonzalez-Meler
- Alden Griffith
- Peter Groffman
- Louis Gross
- Laurel Hartley
- Jo Anna Hebberger
- Eileen Helmer
- Sharon Hermann
- Marjorie Holland (iho Dr. Yaffa Grossman)
- Karen Hollweg
- Anne Randall Hughes
- Stephen Jackson
- Aubrie James
- Clara Jones
- Susan Kephart
- Lauren Kinsman-Costello
- Suzanne Koptur
- Tom Langen
- Elisabeth Larson
- Zakiya Leggett
- Mathew Leibold
- Jen Leininger
- Kelly Lion
- Amy Marcarelli
- Erika Marin-Spiotta
- RoseMarie Matusak
- Elizabeth Mayhew
- Kevin McCluney
- Owen McKenna
- Irmgard McMahon
- Margaret Metz
- Charles Mitchell
- Alison Munson
- Robert Newman
- Gretchen North
- Cesar Nufio
- Rebecca Ostertag
- Cathy Owen
- Paula Pappalardo
- Liba Pejchar
- Rachel Penczykowski
- Steven Pennings
- John Porter
- Alison Power
- Charlotte Reemts
- Daniel Richter
- Caroline Ridley
- Seth Riley
- Albert Ruhi Vidal
- Andrew Schnabel
- Ann Showalter
- Kathryn Sieving
- Elizabeth Sirmans
- Gaston Small
- Jeffrey Smith
- Kendra Spence Cheruvelil
- Jessica Stephenson
- Lawrence Stevens
- Jennifer Sticco
- Annie Stoeth
- Allan Strong
- Alexandra Sutton Lawrence
- Stephen Swallow
- Katalin Szlavecz
- Alice Tempel
- William Turner
- Susan Ustin
- Floria Uy
- Michael Vanni
- Betsy Von Holle
- Sean Walker
- Vicki Watson
- Rebecca Wayman
- Michael Weintraub
- Judith Weis
- Diane Wickland
- Amanda Wong
- Carrie Woods
- Louie Yang
- Anthony Yannarell
- Craig Young
- Harold Zald
- Naupaka Zimmerman
* iho (in honor of) * imo (in memory of)