Archives Directory
Records for individual ecologists are often found at their home institutions. We are preparing a guide here to the locations of collections. These sometimes include papers relevant to ESA’s history as well. Please bear with us as we continue to expand our directory of archived papers.
This list initially includes papers maintained at the University of Georgia and papers of individuals who served as ESA President. Where available, online finding aids are linked at the name. Dates listed are the scope of the collection, not birth/death dates.

Exhibits at the Hargrett Library archives, University of Georgia.
- Charles Christopher Adams Papers, 1888-1955. Correspondence, diaries, field notes, manuscripts, photographs. (See WorldCat listing for more information.) American Philosophical Society Library, Philadelphia PA
- Charles C. Adams Collection, 1900-1955. Correspondence, research materials, notebooks, photographs. (See WorldCat listing for more information.) Western Michigan Library, Kalamazoo MI
- Charles C. Adams Papers, 1925-1934. Correspondence related to ‘A Guide to the Winter Birds of the North Carolina Sandhills.’ University of North Carolina Special Collections, Southern Historical Collection, Chapel Hill NC
- Charles C. Adams Papers, 1915-1968. Related to his administration of Roosevelt Wild Life Forest Experimental Station. (See WorldCat listing for more information) New York State Library, Albany NY.
- Charles C. Adams Papers, 1931-1948. Related to his role as director of the New York State Museum in Albany NY. (See WorldCat listing for more information.) Smithsonian Archives of American Art, Washington DC.
- John Mulvaney Aikman Papers, 1922-1979. Parks Library, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. This collection contains files on various projects, courses, seminars, and related college associations. The material is grouped by subject and arranged chronologically within the subject.
- Warder Clyde Allee Papers, 1894-1980. University of Chicago Library, Chicago IL
- Emma Lucy Braun. Correspondence contained in Records (1894-1933) of Wildflower Preservation Society, New York State Historical Documents, Albany NY.
- Emma Lucy Braun. Annette and E. Lucy Braun Papers at the Cincinnati Museum Center, Cincinnati OH.
- Robert Ervin Coker Papers, 1748-1968. Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in the Southern Historical Collection, Chapel Hill NC.
- William Skinner Cooper Papers, 1909-1989. Elmer L. Anderson Library, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. Personal and professional papers of William Skinner Cooper, Professor of Botany at the University of Minnesota. It contains correspondence, articles, manuscripts, publications, reprints, lectures, photo albums, photographic glass negatives, photographic negatives, photographs, maps and field notes.
- Henry Chandler Cowles Papers, 1860s-1985. University of Chicago Library, Chicago IL.
- Lee Raymond Dice Papers, 1902-1964. Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI. Administrative files of the Institute, professional correspondence, journals and field notebooks, including observations of Alaska, 1911-1912, and autobiographical and family material; and photographs.
- Lee Raymond Dice. Archival materials are in the Department of Human Genetics (University of Michigan) Records, 1937-1977, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI. Records consist of the correspondence and administrative files of Lee Raymond Dice and James V. Neel relating to the development of genetic research and study at Michigan. Also included are articles and reprints by Dice, Neel, and other faculty associated with genetic and heredity research at Michigan. Three photographs are also included.
- Alfred Edwards Emerson Papers, 1917-1976. University of Chicago Library, Chicago IL. Correspondence, calendars, lecture notes, photographs, committee and foundation records, as well as articles and reprints. Alfred Emerson was a professor of zoology and a central figure in what became known as the “Chicago school” of ecology.
- Steven Alfred Forbes Papers, 1830-1955. Illinois History and Lincoln collections, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
- Frank Caleb Gates Collection, 1912-1915 and 2000. Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI. Unpublished biography written by his son David M. Gates; correspondence written from the Philippines to his parents, family members, and his fiancée; miscellaneous descriptions and drafts of writings pertaining to Philippine vegetation and travels in the Philippines; and photographs.
- Frank B. Golley Papers. The Golley papers at the University of Georgia’s Hargrett Library have not yet been catalogued.
- Robert Fiske Griggs. Photograph collection contained within the National Geographic Society (US), Katmai Expeditions, 1913-1919. Contains 8 volumes of photographs made by staff members of the expeditions, including Griggs.
- John William Harshberger Papers, 1908-1929. Includes photographs of arboreta, gardens. (See WorldCat listing for more information.) University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library, Philadelphia PA
- John W. Harshberger Papers, 1886-1920. (See WorldCat listing for more information.) University of Pennsylvania, Archives and Records Center, Philadelphia PA.
- Ellsworth Huntington Papers. Yale University, Sterling Memorial Library, New Haven CT
- Chancey Juday. See the Edward A. Birge and Chancey Juday Papers, 1882-1955. University of Wisconsin Libraries, Madison WI
- Samuel Charles Kendeigh Papers (1919-1985). Library of Congress, Washington DC. Correspondence, publications, research notes, course materials, proceedings, and other papers, relating to bird banding, censuses, feeding, and migration; ornithology; conservation; ecology; environmental research; animal populations; insects; natural areas; prairie chickens; Allerton Park; Audubon societies; Brownfield Woods (Champaign County, Ill.), Trelease Woods (Champaign County, Ill.), and Funk’s Forest (McLean County, Ill.); and zoonoses research. Organizations represented include American Ornithologists’ Union, Baldwin Bird Research Laboratory (Gates Mills, Ohio), Center for Human Ecology, Ecological Society of America, Illinois Nature Preserve Commission, Nature Conservancy, Oberlin College, and Wilson Ornithological Club. Includes correspondence and files of Victor E. Shelford.
- Clarence Ferdinand Korstian Papers. Contained within the Nicholas School of the Environment Records (1916-2010), Duke University Libraries, Durham NC. Korstian was director of the Duke Forest and the first Dean of the School. Finding aid for the Clarence F. Korstian Records within this collection are online.
- Jean H. Langenheim Papers, University of California, Santa Cruz; Archives of Faculty Papers.
- Aldo Leopold Archives. University of Wisconsin Digital Collections Center. Diaries and journals have been digitized; the collection website is linked above.
- Aldo Leopold Papers. Wisconsin Historical Society Archives, Madison WI. Photocopied and microfilmed items by and about naturalist Aldo Leopold.
- Aldo Leopold Oral History Recording Project, 1971-1976, 2005. Wisconsin Historical Society Archives, Madison WI. 28 tape recordings and a report produced by Jim Voegeli, from his research on Leopold, which culminated in a radio broadcast in 1976 on NPR, “Remembering Aldo Leopold.” Description online
- Zeno Payne Metcalf. Archival materials contained in the North Carolina State University, Dept. of Biology Records, 1948-2006. Metcalf joined the department in 1912 and led it for 38 years.
- George E. Nichols Correspondence, 1907-1939 (Department of Botany). Sterling Memorial Library, Yale University.
- Eugene P. Odum Papers. The Odum papers at the University of Georgia’s Hargrett Library are partially catalogued and the inventory is linked above.
- Henry John Oosting Papers, 1937-1968. Perkins Library, Duke University, Durham NC. Correspondence, field notes, writings, and other subject files of Henry J. Oosting. Major subjects include the ecology of virgin forests, vegetation on bare rocks, maritime vegetation in the Southeastern United States, North Carolina vegetation, the 1937 Louise A. Boyd expedition to Greenland with the American Geographical Society, the Victory Garden project in Durham, N.C., the Ecological Society of America.
- Arthur Sperry Pearse Papers, 1904-1960. Duke University Libraries, Durham NC
- Francis Ramaley Papers, University of Colorado Archives, Boulder CO.
- Alfred Clarence Redfield Papers, 1910-1973. Harvard University Archives, Cambridge MA. Papers relate to his career at Harvard.
- Alfred C. Redfield Papers, 1930-1980. MBL WHOI Library, Woods Hole MA. The collection consists of 12 series: Gulf of Maine, 1932-1935; Tides and Currents, Hydrology and Hydraulics, 1946-1980; Lake Maracaibo, 1952-1963; Deuterium, 1954-1968; Salt Marshes, 1955-1975; Pilgrim Lake, 1968-1977; General Subjects, 1878-1976; American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, 1949-1967; Bermuda Biological Station for Research, 1942-1977; Lectures/Conferences, 1946-1971; Correspondence, 1934-1984.
- Paul Bigelow Sears Papers, 1910-1969. Yale University Library, New Haven CT.
- Paul Bigelow Sears Collections, 1832-1969. University of Arizona Libraries, Tucson AZ. Correspondence, manuscripts, grant proposals, reports, photographs, subject files, field notes, pollen samples and data relating to desert ecology which document Paul Sears’ career as a botanist, ecologist and educator. The bulk of the collection is comprised of correspondence between Sears and other researchers.
- Victor Ernest Shelford Papers, 1896-1965. Includes a digitized interview of Shelford done in 1965. University of Illinois Archives, Urbana-Champaign.
- Homer L. Shantz Photograph Collection, 1904-1962, 1922-1958. University of Arizona Special Collections, Tucson AZ
- Homer L. Shantz Papers, 1928-1936. Papers related to his presidency of the University of Arizona, Tucson. University of Arizona, Office of the President Records, 1914-1937, series IV.
- Forrest Shreve Correspondence, in Desert Botanical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution Records, 1903-1938. University of Arizona Libraries, Tucson AZ.
- Forrest Shreve Photographs, 1868-1936, 1914-1936. University of Arizona Special Collections, Tucson AZ.
- Forrest Shreve Speeches, 1920-1933, relating to his work at the Desert Botanical Laboratory. University of Arizona Libraries, Tucson AZ. No link available.
- Walter Penn Taylor Papers. Biological surveys, field notes, correspondence, original manuscripts and reprints addressing a diverse scope in the field of ecology. In Denver Public Library, Denver CO. [Consult WorldCat listing for more information.]
- John Ernest Weaver, 1884-1956. His publications have been digitized at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska – Lincoln
- Asa Weese Papers. The University of Oklahoma Libraries, Western History Collection, Norman OK.
- Walter E. Westman Papers are at the University of Georgia’s Hargrett Library. Westman was among the forerunners in the area of biogeography to incorporate remote sensing into the study of plant communities. He also sought to show how ecological principles should influence policy-making in his 1985 book Ecology, Impact Assessment and Environmental Planning.