Education Share Fair
Now accepting proposals to the Education Share Fair on a rolling basis.
COVID-19 Code of Conduct for LDC attendeesPlease review the Covid-19 Code of Conduct prior to attending the conference. Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.
What is the Education Share Fair?
This session is designed for educators to create or revise lesson plans or activities. Proposals can be submitted for ideas and lessons at any stage of development. You receive immediate feedback and suggestions from your peers in a friendly, constructive environment.
This allows you to develop new lessons or to work on modifying currently existing lessons to a new grade level, teaching style, or learning objective(s). Each lesson or idea will be presented by the author. Presenters spend about 15 minutes describing their lesson idea. Discussions will follow where participants are invited to provide feedback and ideas regarding the core concepts addressed, methodology, misconceptions, assessment, or educational extensions.
Presenters are strongly encouraged to submit finished work in the LifeDiscoveryEd Digital Library.
While presentations focused on the theme are especially welcomed, presenters may submit ideas on any topic relevant to environmental or organismal biology.
To the greatest extent possible, Education Share Fair Proposals should:
- Align with the objectives of the National Research Council’s Framework for K-12 Science Education, K12 Next Generation Science Standards or Vision and Change for Undergraduate Biology Education with an emphasis on sharing effective approaches to engage students in both nonscience and science majors.
- Identify one or more relevant Pedagogical Track/s
- Integrate the Four-Dimensional Ecology Education Framework (4DEE)
We are especially interested in ideas around:
- Adapting to and teaching disease ecology
- Fake news, Real Science, or somewhere in between
- Research innovation and careers
All proposals whether focused on the theme or otherwise will be considered. We welcome presentations of ideas at any stage of development.
Submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis.
Session Formats and Conference Tracks
The conference accepts proposals for three formats, four curriculum topics and three pedagogical areas. Details are available at:
Pedagogical Areas
- Active Learning: Content, curriculum, and lesson plan resources.
- Hands-On: Field studies, lab investigations, and data exploration.
- Assessment: Education research, formative assessment, and proficiencies.
- Collaboration: Team learning, interdisciplinary approaches, and partnerships.
Submit Your Teaching Idea to the LifeDiscoveryEd Digital Library!
All presenters are highly encouraged to submit their final products for formal publication in the digital library. Authors retain copyright. Presenters will choose to submit through one of the four portals of the LifeDiscoveryEd Digital Library (LDDL), managed by LDDL partner societies.