LifeDiscoveryEd Digital Library
The LifeDiscoveryEd Digital Library (LDDL) is an online resource portal for biology education in ecology, plant biology and evolution. Participants accepted to deliver short presentations are expected to contribute their ideas to the LifeDiscoveryEd Digital Library. Participants who present teaching ideas and resources during the Education Share Fair are strongly encouraged to contribute these as well with the feedback they have received from colleagues.
The Portals of LDDL
The resources in LifeDiscoveryEdDL include photos, figures, charts, datasets and lesson plans for educators on biological concepts. Currently, most of the resources are for college audiences. However, we have recently begun accepting resources for grades 6-12 audiences.
This project is a partnership of the Ecological Society of America, the Botanical Society of America and the Society for the Study of Evolution launched in March 2013. This project has been made possible by a major grant from the National Science Foundation.
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Major funding for LifeDiscoveryEdDL provided by the National Science Foundation – 2010-2013