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Conference Program 2020

Welcome to the 6th Life Discovery – Doing Science Education Conference

Biology Education in an Evolving Landscape  


Held virtually for the first time during the coronavirus pandemic!   The conference is held from Thursday October 22, 2020  to Saturday October 24, 2020. Each day, the event begins at 11:00 am EDT – 5:00 PM EDT.

Please review the 2020 Conference Schedule here.  (Updated 10/14/20)

Please note that this schedule is subject to change

Questions? Check our our Frequently Asked Questions  (FAQ) page


11:00 -12:15 AM EDT Keynote Speakers 

Be inspired to innovate your teaching and reflect on ways to advance more inclusive practices. 

12:30 – 1:00 PM EDT Four-Dimensional Ecology Education (4DEE) showcase 

After 30 years of debate about ecological literacy, the Ecological Society of America endorsed the Four-Dimensional Ecology Education framework.  This daily showcase shares resources and ideas on ways to incorporate 4DEE into your classroom and curriculum design and is associated with the 4DEE Showcase workshops. 

1:00 PM – 1:45 PM EDT Education Share Fair

This session is designed for educators to create or revise lesson plans or activities. Receive and give immediate feedback and suggestions from your peers in a friendly, constructive environment.  And walk away with some creative ideas for your own classroom.

2:00 PM – 2:45 PM EDT Panel Discussions

These are live panel discussions on a theme. Each panelist will have an opportunity to briefly showcase their novel ideas and resources followed by a Q & A session.

2:45 PM EDT – 3:30 PM EDT Breakout Sessions with Panelists

Each of the panelists from the panel discussion will present their work in greater depth. There are 3-5 presentations to choose from in breakout sessions. 

3:45 PM EDT – 5:00 PM EDT Networking Topics and 4DEE Showcase workshops 

Networking Topics: One of the goals of the Life Discovery – Doing Science Education Conference is to facilitate networking during and beyond the conference. The Life Discovery partner societies are interested in building faculty learning communities!  There are two networking session topics to choose from. These are extensions of the Panel Discussions where participants can consider the issues and generate recommendations for instructional practice.

4D Ecology Education (4DEE) Showcase workshops: These workshops provide an opportunity for participants to explore how the 4DEE framework can be integrated into lesson building, assessment and curriculum or program design.