Presenter Info
Information for LDC Presenters
Short Presentations and Workshops
These sessions are in assigned rooms.
- AV equipment: Efferson Student Union Grand Ballroom (Room 106) will have full AV provided, including laptop, LCD projector and sound system for videos. Other meeting rooms will have HDMI ports on the monitor or projector (with sound) to connect to your laptops. There will be no sound using any other types of connection. Please be sure to bring your own laptops and adapters suitable for your device. If you have difficulties bringing them, please contact us as soon as possible to arrange alternatives.
- Number of People: There is no way to know how many will attend. Anticipate about 10-20 people.
- Short presentations – please allow discussion during your 30-minute presentation.
- Workshops are intended to be hands-on.
- Handouts and Materials: If you have handouts, consider bringing about 15 copies. Please also submit your handouts and presentation to for our records. We will link them to your presentation if you allow us.
- Publish Your Resource: We take this opportunity to strongly encourage you to submit fully developed teaching resources to the LifeDiscoveryEd Digital Library through one of the partner portals.
What time should I show up in the room for the short presentation or workshop in which I am presenting?
We encourage presenters to test your presentation slides between 7:30 am – 8 am if you are presenting in the morning or during lunch if you are presenting in the afternoon. This will help with any potential technical difficulties that may arise. Please be aware that the presenter prior to you will be in the room so it will not be possible for you to enter before the session ends.
You should arrive just before the previous session ends and feel free to walk in to set up your talk. Should the previous presenter run over – please contact staff / one of the planning committee members as needed.
Education Share Fair Roundtables
The Education Share Fair will take place in the Grand Ballroom (room 106). The image on this page captures what you can expect to see. There will be two sessions with two rounds in each session. Please refer to the Education Share Fair program listing to find out in which session you will be presenting.
- Number of People: Participants will select one presentation per round when they arrive for registration on a first-come-first-served basis. Each table is limited to 6 participants
- AV equipment: No AV will be provided. However, some have used their laptops to show images / and other examples of their work. If you use sound, please be mindful of the volume.
- Handouts and Materials: If you have handouts, consider bringing about 9-10 copies. Please also submit your handouts to for our records.
- Discussion: You have about 25 minutes total for your session. The Share Fair is intended to generate discussion. Please plan to speak for only 15 minutes and leave the rest of the time for discussion. If you have a new resource, you will likely be asking for feedback for improvement. If you have a tested resource, you can facilitate discussion on how participants might extend or integrate your idea into their educational setting.
- Publish Your Resource: We take this opportunity to strongly encourage you to submit fully developed teaching resources to the LifeDiscoveryEd Digital Library through one of the partner portals.