ESA is pleased to be partnering with Kiddie Corp again for the 102nd Annual Meeting. KiddieCorp is in its thirty-first year of providing high quality children’s programs and youth services to conventions, trade shows and special events.
The program is for children ages 6 months through 12 years old. The dates for the program are Monday – Friday, August 7-11, 2017 and will be located at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland, Oregon. Snacks and beverages will be provided and meals need to be supplied by parents.
The advance registration deadline is July 10, 2017
The cost for the children’s program is $49.50 per half day morning session, $45.00 per half day afternoon session, or $94.50 per full day.
Child Care Registration »
Register early as availability is limited and handled on a first-come, first-served basis. KiddieCorp must receive the registration form and payment in full to hold any advance reservations.
Need More Information?
KiddieCorp is always available to answer any questions.
Feel free to contact KiddieCorp
(858) 455-1718 or
Click here to register on-line »