Rangeland Ecology

What Exactly ARE Rangelands?
Rangelands are vast, natural grasslands, shrublands, woodlands, wetlands, and deserts that support grazing and browsing mammals — domestic and/or wild.
Rangelands are distinguished from pastures because they are primarily natural ecosystems with native vegetation rather than plants established by humans. Rangelands are typically managed principally with extensive practices, such as managed livestock grazing and prescribed fire, rather than more intensive agricultural practices of seeding, irrigation, and the use of fertilizers.

Who We Are
Rangeland ecology is often applied and interdisciplinary, so our Section's diverse membership includes basic and applied ecologists; social scientists; soil, water, and climate scientists; land managers, traditional ecological knowledge-keepers, and policymakers — all of whom contribute to and benefit from deepening our understanding of these magnificent and valuable landscapes!
Our community welcomes and seeks new members who bring different perspectives and multiple sources of knowledge. That diversity is vital to keep our field thriving, innovative, relevant, and effective.
Please join our section network!

What We Do
Our purpose is to facilitate communication of all aspects of rangeland ecology and management among applied and basic ecologists, natural resource managers, indigenous land stewards, and interested members of the public.
At the annual ESA meetings, we get together to celebrate student AWARDS, network with fellow rangeland ecologists and stewards, and plan exciting symposia, organized oral sessions, and special sessions of interest to our membership.
We maintain a listserve to keep our members in touch and informed about jobs, events, and relevant news. Click the MEMBERS tab for instructions to join our email listserve.