2021 Rangeland Section Gathering & Business Meeting
** Tuesday, Aug 3, 2021 **
9:30 – 10:30 a.m. Pacific; 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Eastern
The Rangeland Ecology section invites you to join our annual section meeting via Zoom. We will have a chance to meet and chat with one another, elect new section officers, and come up with ideas for sessions for the ESA 2022 meeting!
The meeting will be fully virtual this year from August 2–6 in response to the pandemic. The virtual meeting will provide four days of inspiration and community, an opportunity to focus on your interests, research, and your career, and a way to connect with the community of ESA rangeland ecologists, students, colleagues, and leaders from across the field. The Rangeland Section Gathering is a great opportunity to connect or reconnect with our diverse community of scientists and practitioners. ALL are welcome! Please join us! Please note, this section meeting is NOT listed in the Conference Schedule.
For Zoom login details, you can:
- Check your email for notice from Elizabeth King or
- Visit , log in, go to Groups, select Rangeland Ecology, and visit Messages
- Email Lizzie King, Rangeland Section Secretary, at egking “at” to request Zoom link
Please consider self-nominating to serve as Chair, Vice Chair, or Secretary for next year! No experience or special status required! It’s not much work, and helps us all!
2020 Student and Practitioner Registration Awards
** Apply Now ** Due 6/24/2020 **
The Rangeland Ecology section invites applications for registration funding for the 2020 Annual Meeting. The section will award registrations to 8 individuals, prioritizing students, farmers, and ranchers from Black communities, Native American communities, and all other communities of color. The awards are open to all applicants with an interest in rangelands, regardless of whether they will be presenting at the meeting.
The meeting will be fully virtual this year from August 3–6 in response to the pandemic. The virtual meeting will provide four days of inspiration and community, an opportunity to focus on your interests, research, and your career, and a way to connect with the community of ESA rangeland ecologists, students, colleagues, and leaders from across the field. Meeting registration provides you:
- A plenary video each day of the meeting, followed by live Q&A with the keynote speaker.
- A live virtual panel focused on an emerging topic.
- More than 3,000 talks and posters available on demand (during and after the meeting dates).
- Asynchronous Q&A for all presentations.
- Live video networking sessions each day.
- Career Central talks available on demand (during and after the meeting dates).
- Exhibits to learn more about important products, software and services.
See the virtual meeting FAQs to read more about the format.
To apply, please send a 1-2 paragraph statement to the section’s Student Liaison, Joseph Gazing Wolf, at Explain your interest in rangelands and why it is important for you to attend the meeting. Application deadline is June 24, 2020.
A Call for Solidarity and Action
Joseph Gazing Wolf, Student Liaison
A.Josh Leffler, Past Chair
Sarah E. McCord, Organizer of 2020 section-sponsored Organized Oral Session
The Rangeland Ecology section has awarded travel grants to two graduate students to attend and present their research in Louiville this August. See the Awards tab for details.
Rangeland Ecology Section announces availability of travel awards for students presenting range-related talks or posters at the ESA Annual Meeting in New Orleans in August. See the awards page on this website and apply before May 31, 2018.