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2020 Student and Practitioner Registration Awards 

** Apply Now ** Due 6/24/2020 **

The Rangeland Ecology section invites applications for registration funding for the 2020 Annual Meeting. The section will award registrations to 8 individuals, prioritizing  students, farmers, and ranchers from Black communities, Native American communities, and all other communities of color.   The awards are open to all applicants with an interest in rangelands, regardless of whether they will be presenting at the meeting.

The meeting will be fully virtual this year from August 3–6 in response to the pandemic. The virtual meeting will provide four days of inspiration and community, an opportunity to focus on your interests, research, and your career, and a way to connect with the community of ESA rangeland ecologists, students, colleagues, and leaders from across the field.  Meeting registration provides you:

  • A plenary video each day of the meeting, followed by live Q&A with the keynote speaker.
  • A live virtual panel focused on an emerging topic.
  • More than 3,000 talks and posters available on demand (during and after the meeting dates).
  • Asynchronous Q&A for all presentations.
  • Live video networking sessions each day.
  • Career Central talks available on demand (during and after the meeting dates).
  • Exhibits to learn more about important products, software and services.

See the virtual meeting FAQs to read more about the format.

To apply, please send a 1-2 paragraph statement to the section’s Student Liaison, Joseph Gazing Wolf, at Explain your interest in rangelands and why it is important for you to attend the meeting.  Application deadline is June 24, 2020.





The ESA Rangeland Ecology Section is pleased to announce recipients of the 2019 “Excellence in Rangeland Ecology Research Travel Awards”.

Leena Vilonen, Colorado State University, Title: Recovery of carbon cycling and microbial functioning after the cessation of a long-term drought

Christopher Beltz, Yale University, Title: Carbon cycling and limitations to ecosystem processes by water and nitrogen across western drylands”

The awardees will attend the Ecological Society of America annual meeting in Louisville, KY, to present their range-related research.


2019 Excellence in Rangeland Ecology Research Awards ** CALL FOR APPLICATIONS **

The Rangeland Ecology section will offer one or more awards in 2019 to support the travel of outstanding graduate and advanced undergraduate students to the ESA annual meeting. Awards are up to $400 and the number of awards given each year depends on available resources. The paper/poster should be applicable to the past, present, and/or future of rangeland systems and can address range ecology and/or range systems from any perspective. Rangeland is a broad category, including areas classified as grassland, savanna, wetland, shrubland and woodland in pastoral, agro-pastoral and sylvopastoral settings, with livestock or wildlife. The subjects of range ecology studies are also broad and can include, for example, plant, animal and/or microbial dynamics, plant-herbivore interactions, livestock or wildlife dynamics, biogeochemical cycles and carbon sequestration, invasive species, and/or the social-ecological and economic processes impacting land use, management and human societies occupying and utilizing rangelands. The student must be the presenting author on an oral paper or poster submitted for presentation at the ESA annual meeting. The award is open to currently enrolled students within or outside the U.S., and applications from Range Ecology Section student members and SEEDS chapter members are particularly encouraged. As a section we are committed to broadening the participation of under-represented and marginalized groups including minorities, members of the LGBTQ+ community, first-generation students, veterans/military personnel, etc., and invite these scholars to self-identify if they wish this information to be considered in the selection process.

Applications are due by March 31, 2019 (via email) and should be sent as a single PDF file including the following elements:
• A cover page containing the applicant’s name, professional address, email and phone number, and the title of the paper or poster that will be presented at the ESA meeting in August.
• A cover letter (no longer than 1 page) written by the student that describes the scientific and/or applied significance of the presented work for rangeland ecology and the role a travel award would play in their career.
• A copy of the submitted abstract.
• A recommendation letter from the student’s advisor. A second letter from another member of the student’s committee, a work supervisor, or mentor can be included if desired.

Applications should be sent (as a single PDF) to Section Chair, A. Joshua Leffler
( with the subject line “Travel Award Application.” Applications will be evaluated by a volunteer group of section members, and notification of awards will be given on or before May 1, 2019. Awardees are expected to attend the Rangeland Ecology Section business meeting at the Annual Meeting, and must provide proof of accepted abstract (including paper or poster number, and session, date, and time of presentation) no later than 1 July 2019.