More than Numbers
Expanded computational power, new analytical tools, and online access to publicly available datasets have changed the character of the life sciences and education.
A data-rich classroom improves students’ understanding of science concepts, scientific reasoning and the scientific process while preparing the next generation to enter data science careers, and fully participate in our living world, as informed citizens and consumers.
With the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) now online, we now have Big Data streaming 24/7 across 20 ecodomains.
This unprecedented infrastructure is now at our fingertips! ESA’s Scaling Up initiatives provides the support you need for big data science and education.

What is NEON?
The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) is a continental-scale ecological observation facility funded by the National Science Foundation and operated by Battelle. It is designed to collect long-term open access ecological data to better understand how U.S. ecosystems are changing. All NEON data and information products will be freely available via the Web.
NEON collects environmental data and archival samples that characterize plant, animals, soil, nutrients, freshwater and atmosphere from 81 field sites strategically located in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems across the U.S.
The comprehensive data, spatial extent and remote sensing technology provided by NEON will enable a large and diverse user community to tackle new questions at scales not accessible to previous generations of ecologists.