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Officer Openings

Open Officer Positions of the Student Section Board!

We are always looking for motivated students to take on leadership positions with the ESA Student Section. Please see below for the available positions and application process. Student Section Board positions are filled via self-nomination and then subsequent election each fall after the annual meeting, while liaison positions are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year. The board positions available each year are Vice-Chair, Secretary, Social Media and Webmaster, and Treasurer.

Position Description

Main Duties of the ESA SS Vice-Chair:
1. Communicate with section/chapter liaisons
2. Coordinate communication with the early career section
3. Submit a workshop/program at the annual meeting
4. Support Chair and other team members with ongoing activities
5. Learn Chair responsibilities – vice-chair replaces current chair at 2022 annual meeting

Main Duties of the ESA Student Section Secretary are:
1. Coordinating bi-weekly board meetings and keeping meeting minutes
2. Planning the annual ESA meeting’s student mixer

Main duties of the ESA SS Treasurer
1.Manage finances for the student section
2.Communicate with the ESA’s Chief Financial Officer

Main duties of the ESA SS Social Media & Webmaster
1. Some familiarity with either WordPress is helpful but not required
2. Post to our site with news from student section monthly (or more often)
3. Work with other members of the board to get different parts of the website updated (e.g. with job/scholarship opportunities or info about the 2021 annual meeting).
4. Post news about ESA student section to our twitter and Facebook accounts
5. Work with liaison coordinator to get updates from the student liaisons about the ESA sections and chapters, posted on our social media accounts

If you are interested please fill out this form!

The deadline for the 2022 – 2023 positions is October 5th 2022

Click here for complete descriptions of all the Student Leadership Positions!

Thank you for your interest!

Student Representative Council Application

For the Student Representative Council Application, click here

Liaison Responsibilities (See a list of sections at the end of the post): 

  • Attend the Business Meeting in 2019
  • Occasional phone/skype updates and discussions
  • 1 Blog post/year to the ESA Student Section website: description of section, activities, and awards/grants available
  • Participate in liaison meetings (~3x per year to brainstorm ideas and provide feedback on activities)
  • Volunteer at the ESA Student Section Booth in 2019
Inquire about Official Roles in the Student Section via email at