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What We Do

Welcome to the ESA Student Section

An organization dedicated to meeting the needs of ecology students and providing the networking and professional development opportunities to help them succeed in their careers and continue advancing the field of ecological science.  Since our inception in 2000, we have served as the primary advocate for undergraduate and graduate student members of the ESA and have worked to facilitate communication among students, between students and with the Society as a whole. We remain one of the largest communities of young ecologists in the world.

Become A Student Section Member Today! 


  • Represent the interests of undergraduate and graduate student members of the ESA through partnerships with the ESA leadership and governing board.
  • Networking opportunities for collaboration and idea sharing, such as our annual Student Orientation, Student Mixer and Student Night Out
  • Facilitate conversations among students via social media avenues, including blogs, Facebook and Twitter. Include Facebook and Twitter Links
  • Grants and Awards to honor academic excellence and offer travel support to the annual meeting for Student Section members.
  • Professional development workshops that target the expressed needs of Student Section members.
  • To become a member of the Student Section or learn more about membership details, simply CLICK HERE and follow the instructions provided.

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The Student Section empowers young ecologists to take an active role in the future of ESA and the field of ecology.

— Kika Tarsi, 2014 Chair of the Student Section