Ecological Society of America publications rise in Thomson Reuters Journal Citations Report
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, 14 June 2016
Contact: Liza Lester, 202-833-8773 ext. 211,
The value and influence of research published by ecological scientists in the Ecological Society of America’s (ESA) journals was reflected today in Thomson Reuters 2015 Journal Citation Reports, as all five peer-reviewed publications receiving rankings made appreciable impact factor gains. ESA congratulates our editors, authors, and referees. We are honored to continue to host high-quality research and analysis from the ecological community
Ecological Monographs, ranked 7th in the ecology category, rose to 8.037 from its 2014 impact factor of 6.98. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, ranked 5th in ecology and 3rd in environmental sciences, also rose significantly, from an impact factor of 7.441 in 2014 to 8.504 in 2015. Ecology (4.733), Ecological Applications (4.252), and Ecosphere (2.287) all enjoyed modest gains in impact factor.
Rank: Ecology |
Rank: Environmental Science |
Journal Title |
Impact Factor 2015 |
Impact Factor 2014 |
5/149 |
3/225 |
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment |
8.504 |
7.441 |
7/149 |
N/A |
Ecological Monographs |
8.037 |
6.98 |
20/149 |
N/A |
Ecology |
4.733 |
4.656 |
24/149 |
26/225 |
Ecological Applications |
4.252 |
4.093 |
60/149 |
N/A |
Ecosphere |
2.287 |
2.255 |
Ecosystem Heath and Sustainability, a joint journal launched with the Ecological Society of China in 2015, is not yet ranked.
ESA journal impact factors are listed on ESA’s website. Learn more about ESA scholarly journals on our journal hub. Further information on the Journal Citation Reports is available at:
The Ecological Society of America, founded in 1915, is the world’s largest community of professional ecologists and a trusted source of ecological knowledge, committed to advancing the understanding of life on Earth. The 10,000 member Society publishes six journals and a membership bulletin and broadly shares ecological information through policy, media outreach, and education initiatives. The Society’s Annual Meeting attracts 4,000 attendees and features the most recent advances in ecological science. Visit the ESA website at