Two UW faculty named fellows of Ecological Society of America

by Michelle Ma, University of Washington
April 13, 2022

Two University of Washington professors have been honored by the Ecological Society of America for their knowledge and contributions to the field of ecology.

Julian Olden, a professor in the UW School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, has been named a 2022 fellow of the Ecological Society of America. Fellows are elected for life, and the honor recognizes scientists who advance or apply ecological knowledge in academics, government, nonprofits and the broader society.

Olden studies the structure and function of freshwater ecosystems in response to environmental change. Olden seeks to integrate science-based approaches with on-the-ground management decisions, and he actively engages in science communication and community science efforts.

Brian Harvey, an assistant professor in the UW School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, has been named a 2022 early career fellow, an honor for researchers who are within eight years of completing their doctoral training.

Harvey’s research focuses on understanding forest disturbances — fires and insect outbreaks — and how forests are shaped by these disturbances, along with climate. For the last decade, Harvey has conducted research on the disturbance ecology of forests in the Pacific Northwest, the Rockies and coastal California.

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