Petition to Create a New ESA Section on Climate Adaptation
Climate adaptation is a burgeoning science and practice that centers on addressing and preparing for climate change effects on species, ecosystems, land and water resources, disturbance regimes, infrastructure, cultural resources, and human socio-economic systems. Although the potential impacts of climate change on natural resources have been studied for decades, methods for conducting that research and applying the results to inform adaptive management and decision-making are still evolving. Education and workforce development skills in the field of climate adaptation science also require multi-disciplinary approaches. Thus, there is a need to support ecology researchers and practitioners in the field of climate adaptation. Toward this aim, we, the undersigned, support the creation of a Section dedicated to climate adaptation professionals within ESA’s membership.
The benefits of this section include:
- Creating a home within ESA and the Society’s work for climate adaptation professionals
- A dedicated voice representing the interests of climate adaptation scientists on the ESA Council
- Dues money for projects to benefit members of the section
- Enhanced networking opportunities for climate adaptation researchers and practitioners (including students and young professionals)
- New collaborations and projects that can be developed through synergy with existing ESA sections on cross-cutting topics
All ESA members who support these goals are encouraged to sign this petition; it does not obligate one to join the section if approved by Council.