Officers, Council, Committees, Boards, Sections & Chapters Chairs and Representatives
Governing Board
The Governing Board is elected by the Membership to supervise and control the business, property, and affairs of the Society as mandated by the ESA Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation.
The ESA Council is a body of representatives from every section and chapter within the membership. Members provide input on ESA’s strategic direction, hold oversight of the activities of sections and chapters, and approve changes in the ESA Bylaws, among other responsibilities.
Board of Professional Certification
The Society’s Certification Program is administered by the Board of Professional Certification. Members of the Board are elected by ESA’s membership.
Journal Editors
An Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the content and scientific quality of a specific journal or journals, and in consultation with the Board of Editors and the Director of Publishing, advising the Publications Committee and Governing Board on policy for the journal or journals.
Standing Committees
ESA committees support the Governing Board and Council in advancing ESA’s mission and goals. Through committees, members help inform ESA programs and policies by working alongside the professional staff.
ESA Sections
ESA’s Sections are member-driven organizations to promote the various special interests of the Membership. The leadership of Section work in coordination with the ESA Governing Board and staff to advance ESA’s mission.
ESA Chapters
Chapters are regional member organizations with the specific goal to encourage interest in the field of ecology and to enhance communication among ecologists regionally and between the Society and its members.
Explore this interactive timeline of ESA’s leadership and development!

Past ESA Presidents: Victor Shelford (1916) and Ellsworth Huntington (1917).
ESA provides a wide variety of opportunities for its members to get involved in the work of the Society, with ways to grow as a scientist and leader connected to many of our programs and the core work of the Society.