Field Assistant

Field Assistant

Opportunity location: Montana

Job Description: We are looking for a field assistant to participate in a study of fire history and controls on burn severity in lower treeline forests within mixed severity fire regimes. The field assistant will work as part of an international team of scientists to collect dendroecological and stand structure data from sites in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and the Northern Continental Divide (Glacier National Park & surrounding areas).

Data collection will involve the use of increment borers to extract tree cores, handsaws and/or chainsaws to sample for fire scars, and basic forest survey techniques to sample stand structure. Field work will involve substantial off trail hiking, including through recent wildfire areas. Long periods of camping will be required. Candidates having completed basic coursework in ecology and with prior field work and/or research experience will be given priority. Candidates with Work Study are desirable, but this is not a requirement.

Qualifications: Successful applicants will possess some or all of the following characteristics:

  1. Familiarity with the basic forest ecology of the Northern Rockies.
  2. Familiarity with Montana flora.
  3. Possess their own basic camping and field gear equipment.
  4. Basic orienteering and map reading skills.
  5. Good physical fitness and the ability to hike off trail.
  6. The ability to work independently and in a team environment.
  7. Attentiveness to detail.
  8. Posses a valid drivers license and have the ability to navigate forest roads and operate a 4 wheel drive vehicle.

Salary: $2,500
Duration: June-early August.Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
TO APPLY: please send a cover letter, two letters of recommendation (with appropriate contact info), and a resume to: