Palomarin Field Station Research Internships

Palomarin Field Station Research Internships

Interns needed at PRBO Conservation Science’s Palomarin Field Station on the California coast, north of San Francisco. We have been studying songbirds at the Palomarin Field Station since 1965, with special focus on the breeding ecology of Wrentits and Song Sparrows. Fieldwork includes some combination of mist-netting, banding adults and nestlings, nest searching, habitat assessment, territory mapping, and conducting point count surveys in coastal scrub and riparian habitats. Banding internships include public and K-12 group outreach. All internships include data entry. Expect long hours in the field and office. Interns will become proficient in landbird monitoring techniques and learn about various aspects of avian ecology (hands-on and via scientific literature). Banding interns may participate in the North American Banding Council certification process. A strong interest in birds, self-motivation, a sense of humor, and the desire to spend long hours in the field and office are required. Participants must be able to work independently as well as in groups. Exposure to poison oak is unavoidable. A functioning pair of binoculars is required. Some of our internships require the use of a personal vehicle, current proof of insurance, and a driver’s license. Any use of personal vehicles for work will be reimbursed. Assistants are needed from early/mid March through July. On-site housing is provided.

This is a voluntary training position that includes a stipend to offset living expenses while on the project ($700 per month, gross). Submit applications online or email/mail a letter of interest describing previous experience with field research, specific dates of availability and whether or not you have a vehicle, a resume, and contact information for three references (Please note if applying to other positions within PRBO) to RENEE CORMIER, PRBO, P.O. Box 1157, Bolinas, CA 94924 (415-868-0655 ext. 316;