PhD Graduate Assistantship
PhD Graduate Assistantship
New Mexico State University
Project relates to source-sink dynamics in burrowing owl populations at an ecoregional scale in black-tailed prairie dog colonies with 6 study areas from Chihuahua Mexico to South Dakota. The Ph.D. student will work with capture-recapture and stable isotope databases related to survivorship, movement patterns and general ecology. Applicants should have a B.Sc, (M.Sc. preferred). Potential students should have an interest in mathematical modeling, working with large data sets and should have the skills to train and oversee a large crew of technicians.
Applications should include a letter of interest, CV, transcripts, GRE scores, and names and contact information for three references. Review of applications will begin July 15th and will continue until a suitable candidate is found. Send applications to Dr. Martha Desmond, Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Ecology, Box 30003, MSC 4901, Las Cruces, NM 88003-0003. Send questions to