Oregon State University Post-Doctoral Research Associate in regional modeling of forest ecosystem response to climate change and management.
The Law Lab of the Terra-PNW research group in the College of Forestry’s Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society invites applications for a full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, fixed-term Research Associate (Post-Doctoral) position. Reappointment is at the discretion of the Department Head.
The Research Associate (Post-Doc) will develop, test and apply the Community Land Model (CLM), in conjunction with field observations and remote sensing data, to improve prediction of climate-related stress, forest die-back and effects of future climate and management on carbon uptake across the western United States. The incumbent will interact with postdoctoral researchers, students, and research assistants in the Terra-PNW group. Responsibilities center on research and publishing in peer-reviewed journals, and presentations at scientific conferences.
All applicants prior to the position closing date (May 23, 2016) will be given full consideration. Please visit https://jobs.oregonstate.edu/postings/22873. For questions, contact Dr. Beverly Law (bev.law@oregonstate.edu) or Dr. Matthew Jones (matt.jones@oregonstate.edu).