12th International Mammalogical Congress
Date: July 9th to 14th, 2017
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Organizer: Promaco Conventions
The International Mammalogical Congress is the premier international mammal conference. It provides an important forum for professional mammalogists wishing to remain updated on the latest marine and terrestrial mammal conservation topics, research concepts and techniques. Prominent international speakers will provide fresh perspectives on current topics relevant to mammal research and management.
The theme of IMC12 is Advances in mammalogy in a changing world, encouraging discussion of emerging themes, future challenges and novel solutions in mammal biology, conservation and management. The event will attract more than 800 delegates, bringing together practitioners involved in research, biology, conservation and management of mammals throughout the world.
Promaco are looking at ways in which we can cross promote this event. Promaco would like to promote the 2017 12th International Mammalogical Congress on either you’re the Event Calendar page of your website or in any publication.
If you would like more information on the event please visit the congress website www.promaco.com.au/IMC12/
If you have any questions in regards to this please do not hesitate to ask.
I look forward to hearing from you.
–Sharen Cooper +61 8 9332 2900