Detention basins could catch more than stormwater
By Pennsylvania State University

A wet detention basin contains a large amount of water after a storm, making conversion of nitrate to gaseous nitrogen more complete. IMAGE: LAUREN E. PHILLIPS, PENN STATE
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Everywhere you go there are stormwater detention basins built near large construction projects intended to control the flow of rainwater and runoff. Now, those basins might help in controlling nitrogen runoff into rivers and lakes, according to Lauren E. McPhillips, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering at Penn State.
Speaking today (Aug. 12) at the annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America in Louisville, Kentucky, she explained that she and colleagues at Cornell University looked at stormwater detention basins in the area around Ithaca, New York.
“Part of the goal for stormwater detention basins is to manage flow,” said McPhillips. “Increasingly, we are trying to get more water quality goals out of them.”