ESA Annual Meeting in Montreal – Program Highlights, Book Travel Now

Sessions focus on transforming the science of ecology – “A Change Is Gonna Come”


May 18, 2022
For immediate release

Contact: Heidi Swanson, (202) 833-8773 ext. 211,

Press registration is now open for the Ecological Society of America’s Annual Meeting, the world’s largest gathering of professional ecologists. The 2022 meeting will run from Sunday through Friday, August 14-19, at the Montréal Convention Centre, 1001 Jean-Paul-Riopelle Place, Montréal, QC.

Staff journalists, freelance journalists, student journalists and press officers will be able to register as press attendees up to and throughout the week of the Annual Meeting. For eligibility information, please visit ESA’s press registration credential policy page.

To help journalists report on newsworthy scientific findings presented at the Annual Meeting, ESA will post copies of press releases about developments in the ecological sciences and other news presented at the meeting. On-site press registrants will be able to attend all scientific sessions at the conference and will have access to a press room where they can enjoy refreshments, internet access, a printer and an interview area.

Public information officers and institutional science communicators can use the Annual Meeting as an opportunity to present research to on-site reporters through press releases and one-on-one contact with the press.

Virtual media resources will include an online newsroom with press releases and tip sheets of potentially newsworthy presentations, as well as complimentary access to the full program schedule and abstracts. Virtual content will be minimal for this year’s meeting and will include recordings of plenary sessions, a limited selection of presentation slides and audio and a Q&A platform to allow for on-demand interaction with presenters. Presentation slides will be available starting after the corresponding in-person presentation is delivered.


Additional information about the curated list of sessions below will be available soon. Check back at for updates.


Symposia Highlights


Intentional Relationality: Braiding knowledge systems for Ecological Restoration, Climate Adaptation, and Environmental Justice

  • Indigenizing rangeland management: Transitioning a Westernized science discipline into something meaningful for Tribal communities
  • The Great Return: Buffalo restoration and the livelihoods of Tribal ranchers
  • Paul Bunyan and the settler colonial ‘greenwashing’ of Indigenous environments
  • Why the postage stamp approach to conservation is not working: Lessons from Indigenous science and complex systems science and the imperative for change.

Zoonoses and the Agricultural Matrix: Integration and Synthesis for Landscape Immunity

  • Preventing pandemics at the pre-emergence stage
  • Four quarters! Or no quarter for Biodiversity?  Simple quantitative insights into balancing land for agriculture, biodiversity and water
  • Exploring future food systems in the context of emerging zoonotic diseases using scenario exploration
  • Matrix matters: a new approach for understanding zoonoses emergence in agricultural landscapes

Creating the Ecological Commons at Multiple Scales – Nature-based Design in Urban Landscapes

  • Abandoned lots, steep slopes, and caliper inches: Ecosystem restoration in the context of campus planning and design for University of Pittsburgh
  • From parking lot to Piedmont habitat: restoring ecosystem services and creating a living laboratory in urban Atlanta – Georgia Tech EcoCommons
  • From California to New York, advancing landscape ecology through public park design
  • Resilience planning through an urban ecology framework


Organized Oral Session Highlights


Cross-boundary fire ecology

  • Causes, consequences, and trends of extreme fire spread across western North America
  • 100 years of fire suppression has eroded landscape-scale pyrodiversity in northern British Columbia’s sub-boreal and montane forests
  • Wildfire and climate influences on avian diversity in the US-Mexico borderlands
  • Climate, people, and fire in Madrean sky islands of the US-Mexico borderlands: insights for transboundary fire management and adaptation to future change
  • A fire science blueprint for North America
  • Patterns and drivers of post-fire regeneration across boreal North America and a vision for a biome-wide effort

Tomorrow’s Forests Today: Insights from Climate Models, Pioneering Field Trials, and Social-Ecological Research to Improve Assisted Tree Species Migration

  • Seasonal exposure to novel climates in building resiliency of eastern US forests
  • Tree assisted migration in a browsed landscape: can we predict susceptibility to herbivores?
  • Survival, growth, and physiological performance of forest adaptation plantings across a range of canopy conditions in northern hardwood ecosystems
  • Is red spruce a good candidate for assisted migration? Lessons from tree-ring analyses of a network of 60-yr-old provenance trials in Atlantic Canada
  • Thinking socially about assisted migration and the future of forests
  • Adaptive silviculture for climate change: managing for warmer and drier conditions in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Forest Region

Waste recovery for improved nutrient use efficiency in human systems

  • Environmental policy and practice for organic waste systems in the U.S.
  • Hydrogen Storage on Food Waste Derived Superactivated Hydrochars
  • Treating toxic mine water with char made from digestate waste
  • Phosphorus Recovery from Wastes and Potential Applications
  • Compost Decomposition and Contaminant Detection Using an Array of Sensors
  • Potential for recycling nutrients from human waste streams to agricultural soils



Inspire Session Highlights


Decolonizing and Diversifying Ecology

  • Building local networks to support 2SLGBTQIA+ people through their academic journey
  • Beyond diversity statements: fighting systemic racism for promoting diversity in Ecology, lessons from the Odu initiative
  • Club Eco-Evo Latinoamérica: a new space for science communication in Spanish
  • Decolonizing ecology beyond the Global North
  • The cost of the inclusion in ecological research
  • Research and Conservation in a U.S. Colony
  • Enhancing diversity & inclusion in Ecology: An acknowledgement towards underrepresented groups in STEM

From the Desert to the Arctic: Ecological Significance of Bryophytes Across Systems

  • Fresh air for the mire-breathing hypothesis: Sphagnum influence on CO2 exchange in a northern peatland
  • Impending ‘terrestrialization’ for Sphagnum peatland biodiversity under warming?
  • Sphagnum-shrub interactions in a changing climate
  • “Global change, plant community dynamics & carbon sequestration in Sphagnum
  • peatlands: a conceptual model.”
  • Direct and indirect effects of climate warming on the biogeochemistry of the boreal bryosphere
  • Phylogenetic and environmental controls on the structure of boreal moss microbiomes
  • Tree canopy impacts on moss growth, microbiome and nitrogen fixation rates in the boreal forest
  • Dryland bryophytes and trait-based ecology
  • The role of biocrust mosses in dryland carbon cycling
  • Lessons in dryland restoration with biocrust mosses

Seed initiatives for change: how do transformational pathways emerge?

  • Patchwork Earth: Navigating pathways to an emerging future
  • Transformational seed-scapes: how do Montreal’s sustainability initiatives create an ecosystem of change?
  • Designing urban greenspace from the grassroots up: The ‘barrio’ innovation approach
  • Seeds of peace: pathways to transforming conflict
  • Networks of actors for sustainability – the case of McGill University
  • A decisive moment for European social-ecological research: Organizational transformation in eLTER
  • Incorporating plural values in models of a better future through seed initiatives
  • Future climate resilience visions of New York City: 2100
  • Arctic seeds to inspire positive scenarios
  • Transformations – changing the way we change the world


COVID-19 Code of Conduct

ESA is offering in-person conference attendance pursuant to local government orders and public health guidance. ESA/CSEE is committed to hosting a safe event for all participants and to this end, requires all attendees, including press attendees, to comply with safety precautions specified for Montreal, Canada, Province of Quebec, the Canadian Government, and the Palais des congrès de Montréal in addition to the World Health Organization (WHO) and US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines and recommendations. Read our COVID-19 code of conduct here.




The Ecological Society of America, founded in 1915, is the worlds largest community of professional ecologists and a trusted source of ecological knowledge, committed to advancing the understanding of life on Earth. The 9,000 member Society publishes five journals and a membership bulletin and broadly shares ecological information through policy, media outreach, and education initiatives. The Society’s Annual Meeting attracts 4,000 attendees and features the most recent advances in ecological science. Visit the ESA website at


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