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Lizards, mice, bats and other vertebrates are important pollinators too

Bees are not the only animals that carry pollen from flower to flower. Species with backbones, among them bats, birds, mice, and even lizards, also serve as pollinators. Although less familiar as flower visitors than insect pollinators, vertebrate pollinators are more likely to have coevolved tight relationships of high value to the plants they service, supplying essential reproductive aid for which few or no other species may substitute.

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Penguin-mounted video captures gastronomic close encounters of the gelatinous kind

Penguins caught on camera eating jellyfish Monday, 25 September 2017 For Immediate Release Contact: Liza Lester, 202-833-8773 ext. 211,   Footage from penguin-mounted mini video recorders shows four species of penguin eating jellyfish and other gelatinous animals of the open ocean, a food source penguins were not previously believed to partake of, scientists report this month in the Ecological…

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Lizards, mice, bats and other vertebrates are important pollinators too

Bees are not the only animals that carry pollen from flower to flower. Species with backbones, among them bats, birds, mice, and even lizards, also serve as pollinators. Although less familiar as flower visitors than insect pollinators, vertebrate pollinators are more likely to have coevolved tight relationships of high value to the plants they service, supplying essential reproductive aid for which few or no other species may substitute.

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Penguin-mounted video captures gastronomic close encounters of the gelatinous kind

Penguins caught on camera eating jellyfish Monday, 25 September 2017 For Immediate Release Contact: Liza Lester, 202-833-8773 ext. 211,   Footage from penguin-mounted mini video recorders shows four species of penguin eating jellyfish and other gelatinous animals of the open ocean, a food source penguins were not previously believed to partake of, scientists report this month in the Ecological…

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