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issues in ecology

Science-driven strategies for more effective endangered species recovery

The US Endangered Species Act can protect more species, more effectively, through expanded partnerships and science-driven implementation ecologists say in the Winter 2016 edition of Issues in Ecology   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, 6 January 2016 Contact: Liza Lester, 202-833-8773 ext. 211,   The Endangered Species Act (ESA), which quietly passed its 42nd birthday last week, has shielded hundreds…

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Expanding the reach of environmental research with Citizen Science

“Investing in Citizen Science can improve natural resource management and environmental protection” is Ecological Society of America’s guide to deciding if citizen science is right for your organization, and the best design to meet your organization’s goals. Number 19 in ESA’s series Issues in Ecology, the report is included as a resource in the Federal Citizen Science and Crowdsourcing Toolkit, released by the White House OSTP this morning in conjunction with a Citizen Science Forum webcast live from the White House and a memo mandating the incorporation of citizen science into all federal agency programming.

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USGS scientist named Ecological Society of America president

Jill Baron takes up the chair of ESA’s governing board, which lays out the vision for overall goals and objectives for the Society.

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