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Posters about ESA’s History (HRC)

In the lead-up to the 2015 Centennial, HRC had a booth at each year’s annual meeting. We also produced formal posters in several of the years. This page provides access to the archived posters. Click titles to access PDFs, which will open in a new window.


Paul B. Sears and the Development of Palynology.

Paul B. Sears and the Development of Palynology, a field central to understanding climate and vegetation change. 2009 poster by Juliana C. Mulroy, Sally L. White, Linda C. K. Shane, and Thomas W. Mulroy
Abstract: PS 56-161

2010: Poster Session 20

Getting the Records in Order.

Getting the Records in Order: How every ecologist can help prepare for ESA’s Centennial. 2010 Poster by Kara E. Blue, Juliana C. Mulroy, and Sally L. White
Abstract: PS 20-161

A “pedagogical genealogy” of plant ecologists

A Pedagogical Genealogy of plant ecologists in ESA’s first century. 2010 Poster by Doug Sprugel, Sally L. White, Kara Blue, and Juliana C.Mulroy.
This poster is an update of a 1980 paper by Doug Sprugel. Each name in the PDF connects to a microbiography of the person. Abstract: PS 20-162


In 2012, HRC sponsored Ecologists Doing History: Notes From the Field, an organized poster session, and OOS- Preparing for ESA’s 2015 Centennial: Why Does Understanding History Matter to Our Future?, an organized oral session.

The Ecological Society in the Wake of Three Waves of Feminism.

Ecological Society in the Wake of Three Waves of Feminism, 2012 Poster by C. Susannah Tysor and Sally L. White.
Abstract OPS 1-4

Looking at ESA’s early membership.

Looking at ESA’s early membership: Continuity, contrasts, and surprises. 2012 Poster by 2012 poster by Sally L. White, Juliana C. Mulroy, and Harold Balbach.
Abstract OPS 1-5


In 2014, HRC sponsored an organized poster session, OPS 3, Ecological Century: Perspectives on the Evolution of the Discipline. We also sponsored an oral session, OOS-42 ESA’s Struggle for Identity Over the First 100 Years: Lessons for the Future?.

Taking Historical Records Online.

Taking Historical Records Online: ESA’s Evolving Digital Footprint. 2014 Poster by C. Susannah Tysor, Sally L. White, and Robert K. Peet.
Abstract OPS 3-1


ESA’s Living Past Presidents (1968-2014)

During ESA’s centennial year, Jean Langenheim’s “Past Presidents” poster was printed for the annual meeting. This project was the result of several years work, and was published as an interactive timeline. The timeline included highlights of each president’s term, as well as (for most of them) their reflections on their experiences in office. PDF here.

ESA Past Presidents (1916-1968

To cover the early decades of ESA’s history, Dennis Knight put together a similar timeline for ESA’s Early Past Presidents (1916-1968). For these, published minutes and reports were used to outline significant events or issues during each term. PDF here.