Seeking Member Feedback: ESA in Biodiversity Credit Markets
Environmental issues have risen as a priority in the private sector — no longer just among consultants and engineers, but notably in “natural capital” with the creation of markets for biodiversity credits, conservation land trusts and other vehicles as well — and in international, national, state and local governments, where policy has created regulation intended to minimize or offset environmental damage done by industry.
As we learned at the COP16 event in Colombia last year, there is a need to ensure that sound ecological science is involved in decision-making, whether in the creation of regulations or through ESG processes in the private sector, and to educate ecologists about investment vehicles and policy surrounding the impact of their research. Funding has been set aside by the Governing Board to create an educational program, either so that experienced ecologists can share ecological best practices for conservation and biodiversity, or so that investors and regulators can share their methodologies; there is potential for dialogue and mutual exchange.
We seek feedback from our members — in your opinion, what is the best way for ESA to approach natural capital markets related to biodiversity and conservation?