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Get Involved & Take Action

We facilitate opportunities for members to engage beyond the scientific community through media contacts, press releases, social media, briefings, and one-on-one meetings with policymakers.

Policy Toolkit

Photo by Cairn Burn
ESA’s policy toolkit provides best practices and tips for engaging with lawmakers and public officials.

Rapid Response Team

Two ESA members stand with a staffer in front of the office of Senator Patty Murray
ESA’s Rapid Response Team members serve as resources for policymakers and the media

Policy Resources

Resources from ESA for taking action in policy.

Graduate Student Policy Award

ESA’s Graduate Student Policy Award provides training and policy experience to graduate students in ecology each year. 

Policy Training

ESA policy staff offer training workshops designed to help ecological scientists engage more effectively with policymakers.

Graduate Student Policy Award Alumni

Since 2007, over 150 ESA members and ecologists have received the Katherine S. McCarter Graduate Student Policy Award.  Read about the alumni here.

Action Alerts

A woman looks at her computer screen while holding a phone to her ear
See the latest action alerts from ESA with specific guidance on actions you can take right now.