The Early Career Experience
ESA Water Cooler Chat #5
The Early Career Ecologist Section hosted this check-in meeting to talk about the experiences of early career scientists and share insights with each other. Topics included:
- The personal and professional hardships we’re facing
- Possible coping strategies and isolation activities
- Tips for the online learning experience
- Ecological science and careers in the next few years
- How we can prop each other up and persevere
- How ESA might help early career folks
Co-hosted by:
- Angee Doerr, Chair, Early Career Ecologists Section
- Nate Emery, Past Chair, Early Career Ecologists Section
- Hattie Waldron, Ecological Society of America
Summary of Resources Shared during the Chat
- ESA’s Early Career Ecologists Section
- To Go or Not to Go into the Field
- Unofficial list of institutions on hiring freezes/pauses
- How to Salvage a Disastrous Day in Your COVID-19 House Arrest
- Ten Simple Rules for a Successful Remote Postdoc
- Online Resources for Science Laboratories (POD) — Remote Teaching
- Why You Should Ignore All That Coronavirus-inspired Productivity Pressure