Applied Ecology Section
Student Travel Awards
The Applied Ecology Section offers travel grants for students presenting papers or posters at the ESA Annual Meetings. The following describes the policies and procedures of the Section on supporting student travel to the Annual Meeting.
Send applications including all supporting materials by email to:
Sarah Whipple
Chair, Applied Ecology Section of ESA
Policy on Support for Student Travel to ESA Meetings
The Applied Ecology Section seeks to support the students, especially those working in applied studies, in the presentation of their work at the ESA Annual Meeting.
Amount of Support
The number and amount of awards will be determined by the section officers and will reflect the availability of funds and the quality of applications received.
Application Process
Applications will be submitted to the Chair of the Applied Section electronically via email as a SINGLE Word or PDF file containing all the required items. Applications will be evaluated by Section officers or a panel of judges that may be appointed by the Section Chair. Criteria for evaluation will include the quality of the work and its relevance to applied ecology. Special attention will be given to papers which link basic and applied ecology.
The assembled application file shall consist of:
- a copy of the abstract page showing acceptance by the ESA for presentation at the annual meeting
- a brief cover letter from the student giving their full contact information and describing how the work to be presented has practical field application
- a recommendation or recommendations from the student’s advisor or other faculty mentor describing the value of the research described.
The file must be named with the leading word “LASTNAME AES Award” (substitute your last name here). If at all possible, do not submit multiple files OR use multiple emails. Potential applicants are urged to draft an application AND SECURE THE ADVISOR’S LETTER OF SUPPORT before final abstract acceptance so submission is not delayed.
Applicants must be the presenting author of a paper or poster which has been accepted for presentation at the Annual Meeting. Applicants must be enrolled as a graduate or undergraduate student at the time of their application. Students, co-authors, employees, and relatives of current section officers (or other judges of applications) are ineligible for this award.