Supporting our Scientific Community During the Pandemic
ESA Inclusion Statement
The Ecological Society of America is committed to all its members regardless of age, culture, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, national origin, physical or mental difference, politics, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, or subculture. We strive to cultivate a society built on mentorship, encouragement, tolerance and mutual respect, thereby engendering a welcoming environment for all.
During these unprecedented times, ESA continues to explore ways to support our members and everyone in the scientific community. We are concerned about the impact that the coronavirus (COVID-19) will personally have on members of the ecologic and the greater scientific community.
General Articles about Diversity & Covid-19
- Supporting early-career field researchers |Science
- Consciously combating unconscious bias |Science| AAAS
US national academy pushes to make grants contingent on gender equity
- Underrepresented scholars outperform majority peers novel research
- Making Diversity Programs More Effective|National Academies
- Empowering Latina scientists | Science
- Next-level precarity: non-tenure-track professors and COVID-19
- How to Be an Inclusive Leader Through a Crisis
- How research funders are tackling coronavirus disruption
Covid-19, Diversity & Women
- The pandemic & the female academic
- Without child care, work and family are impossible
- Are women publishing less during the pandemic?
- Women in science are battling both Covid-19 and the patriarchy | Times Higher Education
- Six ways to juggle science and childcare from home
- Scientist Mothers Face Extra Challenges in the Face of COVID-19 – Scientific American Blog Network
- Half of Men Say They Do Most of the Home Schooling. 3 % of Women Agree. – The New York Times
Women’s research plummets during lockdown, but articles from men increase| The Guardian
- Ensuring the pandemic doesn’t negatively impact women in STEM, especially those of color
- Female academics face an uphill battle in post‐pandemic world- Wiley Online Library
- With no childcare or summer camps women are edged out of the work force – SFGate
- Women’s Emotional Labor in Higher Ed and the COVID‐19 Crisis | WIHE