modeling of forest ecosystem response to climate change and management.
The Law Lab of the Terra-PNW research group in the College of Forestry’s Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society invites applications for a full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, fixed-term Research Associate (Post-Doctoral) position. Reappointment is at the discretion of the Department Head.
The Research Associate (Post-Doc) will develop, test and apply the Community Land Model (CLM), in conjunction with field observations and remote sensing data, to improve prediction of climate-related stress, forest die-back and effects of future climate and management on carbon uptake across the western United States. The incumbent will interact with postdoctoral researchers, students, and research assistants in the Terra-PNW group. Responsibilities center on research and publishing in peer-reviewed journals, and presentations at scientific conferences.
All applicants prior to the position closing date (May 23, 2016) will be given full consideration. Please visit For questions, contact Dr. Beverly Law ( or Dr. Matthew Jones (