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Press Releases — Page 19

Ecological Society of America announces 2010 award recipients

The Ecological Society of America (ESA) will present seven societal awards to distinguished ecologists at its 95th Annual Meeting from August 1-6, 2010 in Pittsburgh. The meeting, which has the theme “Global Warming: The legacy of our past, the challenge for our future,” draws a critical combination of more than 3,000 scientists, policymakers and concerned citizens to explore the causes…

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Citizen science: Birders contribute valuable data on invasive plant species

In an effort to assess ties between birds’ feeding habits and the spread of nonnative invasive plants, researchers provided ornithologists from four U.S. states with questionnaires on daily bird-plant encounters. The 1,143 unique interactions reported by the birders laid the groundwork for a study on the role of native birds in the seed dispersal of invasive plants throughout the U.S….

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Ecological Society of America explores global warming at its 95th Annual Meeting

Registration opens for the meeting of the world’s largest organization of ecological scientists Registration is now open to the press for the Ecological Society of America’s (ESA) 95th Annual Meeting which will be held August 1-6, 2010 in Pittsburgh. The meeting, which has the theme “Global Warming: The legacy of our past, the challenge for our future,” draws a critical combination of…

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Strategies for increasing carbon stored in forests and wood

Scientists review the benefits and tradeoffs of current methods in forest carbon storage While the U.S. and other world leaders consider options for offsetting carbon emissions, it is important to take into account the role forests play in the global carbon cycle, say scientists in a paper published in the spring edition of Issues in Ecology. Currently, the carbon stored in…

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Experts in marine biology and ecology available to discuss oil spill

Scientists specializing in marine wildlife, offshore oil production and coastal areas are available The Ecological Society of America (ESA), the nation’s largest organization of ecological scientists, recommends six members of its Rapid Response Team (RRT) to discuss the current and future status of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill as it pertains to wildlife and ecosystems. These experts have backgrounds…

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Sustainable biofuels from forests, grasslands and rangelands

Analyzing biofuel sources and predicting effects on water, soil and the atmosphere The promise of switchgrass, the challenges for forests and the costs of corn-based ethanol production: Ecological scientists review the many factors surrounding biofuel crop production and its implications on ecosystem health in three new Biofuels and Sustainability Reports. Produced by the Ecological Society of America (ESA), the nation’s largest…

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DNA barcoding reveals mislabeled cod and haddock in Dublin

Scientists identify 25% of cod and haddock in Dublin seafood industry as different species Ecological scientists in Ireland recently used DNA barcoding to identify species of fish labeled as either “cod” or “haddock” in fish and chip shops, fresh fish counters and supermarkets in 10 postal districts in Dublin. They found that 39 out of 156 (25%) randomly sampled “cod”…

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Nation’s largest organization of ecologists offers expert database

Scientists specializing in climate change, invasive species, urban ecology and more available online The Ecological Society of America (ESA), the nation’s largest organization of ecological scientists, unveiled its updated resource for policymakers and members of the media today: the Rapid Response Team (RRT) database, an ESA resource for several years that is now fully searchable. Users can find ecological scientists…

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From international harbor to native habitat

Detecting exotic pests before forest and agricultural invasion In the 1930s, soil used as ballast to weigh down cargo ships from South America to Mobile, Alabama introduced the red imported fire ant to the southern United States. Since then, the ants have been found as far north as Maryland and as far west as California, shorting out streetlights and eating…

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ESA Announces 2010 Graduate Student Policy Award Winners

Graduate students from Cornell, University of Hawaii, and Notre Dame will travel to the nation’s capital to speak to lawmakers about federal support of biological sciences WASHINGTON, DC — The Ecological Society of America (ESA), a professional organization of 10,000 ecological scientists, is pleased to announce the recipients of its 2010 Graduate Student Policy Award.   The award affords ESA graduate…

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Beyond the corn field: Balancing fuel, food and biodiversity

New report outlines trade-offs of biofuel production The development of alternative fuel will greatly benefit the U.S., say scientists in an Energy Foundation-funded report published today by the Ecological Society of America (ESA), the nation’s largest organization of ecological scientists. However, in order to effectively reap the social and economic benefits of biofuel production, U.S. policies need to address potential…

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ESA and TWS publish final report on the National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center

Report summarizes the planning process and outlines recommendations The Ecological Society of America (ESA) and The Wildlife Society (TWS) recently published a final report describing the planning process that shaped the National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center (NCCWSC) and outlining recommendations for its structure and function. The NCCWSC, which was established in 2008 by Congress, is intended to help…

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Plantations Can Provide the Same Ecosystem Services as Natural Forests

Well-designed plantations can mitigate social, economic and environmental pressures Not all plantations need to be the biological deserts that have come to characterize large-scale, industrial plantations. According to scientists in a paper out in February’s issue of the journal Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, well-planned plantations can actually alleviate some of the social, economic and ecological burden currently being placed…

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Managing Ecosystems in a Changing Climate

Ecologists outline necessary actions for mitigating and adapting to a changing climate Global warming may impair the ability of ecosystems to perform vital services—such as providing food, clean water and carbon sequestration—says the nation’s largest organization of ecological scientists. In a statement released today, the Ecological Society of America (ESA) outlines strategies that focus on restoring and maintaining natural ecosystem…

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Even at Sublethal Levels, Pesticides may slow the Recovery of Wild Salmon Populations

h2>Exposure to common pesticides may hinder the growth and survival of ESA-listed salmon Biologists determined that short-term, seasonal exposure to pesticides in rivers and basins may limit the growth and size of wild salmon populations. In addition to the widespread deterioration of salmon habitats, these findings suggest that exposure to commonly used pesticides may further inhibit the recovery of threatened…

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Ecological Society to hold Conference on Drought and Environmental Justice

Biological and social scientists team up to reduce water conflicts in times of drought The Ecological Society of America (ESA) will hold the first conference in its Millennium Series, titled “Water-Ecosystem Services, Drought, and Environmental Justice,” at the University of Georgia, Athens on Nov. 9-12. The conference will bring 100 scientists and managers from universities, federal agencies and local governments…

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Arctic Land and Seas Account for up to 25 percent of World’s Carbon Sink

New study shows that Arctic has potential to alter Earth’s climate In a new study in the journal Ecological Monographs, ecologists estimate that Arctic lands and oceans are responsible for up to 25 percent of the global net sink of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Under current predictions of global warming, this Arctic sink could be diminished or reversed, potentially accelerating predicted rates…

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Coral bleaching increases chances of coral disease

Disease can exacerbate coral bleaching, while bleaching leads to increased disease prevalence Mass coral bleaching has devastated coral colonies around the world for almost three decades. Now scientists have found that bleaching can make corals more susceptible to disease and, in turn, coral disease can exacerbate the negative effects of bleaching.  A paper in the October issue of the journalEcology shows…

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Exotic Timber Plantations Found To Use More Than Twice the Water of Native Forests

Vegetation in an area may determine its usable water supply, ecologists find Ecologists have discovered that timber plantations in Hawaii use more than twice the amount of water to grow as native forests use.  Especially for island ecosystems, these findings suggest that land management decisions can place ecosystems – and the people who depend on them – at high risk…

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Symposium to discuss geoengineering to fight climate change at the ESA Annual Meeting

Ecologists call techniques a risky strategy at large scales Geoengineering techniques aim to slow global warming by changing the composition of the Earth’s land, seas or atmosphere. But new research shows that the use of geoengineering to do environmental good may cause other environmental harm. In a symposium at the Ecological Society of America’s Annual Meeting, ecologists discuss the viability…

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