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SEEDS Chapter Report (Part 2)

SEEDS Chapter Report Part 2: Activities

Submit a brief chapter report of your chapter activities by May 31st

Chapter Contact Info

Indicate the year for which this chapter report is submitted.

Primary Adviser


Student Representative

Chapter Activities

Please include any helpful information about the impact of each activity (# of participants, community impact, etc.) if available.

Maximum file size: 51.2MB

Attach any Chapter photos or other relevant documents

Maximum file size: 51.2MB

Attach any Chapter photos or other relevant documents

Maximum file size: 51.2MB

Attach any Chapter photos or other relevant documents

Maximum file size: 51.2MB

Please Upload an Image of Your Chapter's Logo (If Applicable)

Maximum file size: 51.2MB

Upload A Document with Updated Leadership and New Members *

Maximum file size: 51.2MB

Please indicate in an excel sheet who are the incoming Leadership for the following academic year and/or who are members. Please include First and Last Names along with emails and majors and academic standing, if available. This information will be used to communicate program wide activities to our members and coordinate events with SEEDS Chapter leadership. There is a template available to use here:

Chapter Certification

Report completed by:

I have read and checked this report for omissions and errors. To the best of my knowledge, the information in this report is complete and accurate. I understand that the inclusion of false information or the failure to report all information requested in this report may disqualify our Chapter and its members from further opportunities with the Ecological Society of America’s SEEDS Program. As a SEEDS Campus Ecology Chapter, we will continue to serve the mission of SEEDS - to promote ecology opportunities for students, particularly those underrepresented in the sciences, to stimulate and nurture their interest, in order to diversify and advance the field of ecology.