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Chapter Grants

The Strategies for Ecology Education Diversity and Sustainability (SEEDS) Program Chapter Grants offer up to $1,000 for individual chapter projects and $5,000 for collaborative chapter projects thanks to the generous donation of Ms. Vicki Moore.

Grant funds are available to support Chapter activities and projects which further the mission of SEEDS – to diversify and advance the ecology profession through opportunities that stimulate and nurture the interest and leadership of underrepresented students in ecology

The SEEDS Chapter Grant program is intended to support innovative Chapter projects that promote ecology to underrepresented students and communities through local conservation, research, or education outreach activities. 

Please download the proposal guidelines for information on what to include in your proposal. All sections must be included to be considered. 2024 SEEDS Chapter Project Grant Proposal Guidelines [PDF]


  1. The SEEDS Campus Ecology Chapter must be in Active In Good Standing status with the SEEDS program.
  2. New Chapters must be established for at least 30 days prior to the grant proposal deadline (from the date of the new chapter acceptance letter) to be eligible for a Chapter Grant and must be recognized as a student organization by the college or university. 
  3. Projects must be led by undergraduate Chapter members. 
  4. The Chapter President must sign proposals and a faculty adviser must serve as project director. 

What We Do Not Fund 

  1. Projects that support research activities of individuals (faculty or students) 
  2. Projects that do not engage underrepresented audiences in ecology or extend the mission of SEEDS 
  3. Travel expenses to meetings and conferences that are not organized by the chapter (or chapters)  
  4. Salaries, indirect or overhead costs 


Examples of Chapter Projects 

  • Chapter Collaborations: e.g. collaborative thematic projects to build a sense of cohesion in the SEEDS chapter network such as a water sustainability program or urban ecology project or regional undergraduate conferences that feature student research and career development activities (We strongly encourage chapters to work with others within reasonable proximity or virtually) 
  • Outreach activities: local or regional field experiences or Bioblitz to encourage local ecological knowledge and connection to local scientists and professionals, projects with K-12 students and/or teachers, community members, etc. 
  • Research activities: supporting opportunities for active participation of Chapter students to conduct and communicate ecology research.  This should be student-led research by the chapter and should not be the independent study research of a single student or the research project of the faculty adviser/s. 
  • Career development: hosting an ecology career fair for students on campus 
  • Student development: local field trips for students to become exposed to areas of ecological interest. 

NOTE: Projects that involve infrastructure development e.g. a garden or installation of hardware in a public space must have the commitment of the host organization to maintain it. A letter from the relevant authorities must be submitted with the proposal. 


Scope and Size of Awards 

Grants will be awarded up to $1,000 for individual chapter projects and up to $5,000 for collaborative chapter projects, subject to the review committee’s recommendation. The amount requested should reflect the size and scope of the project. Two or more Chapters may submit a joint proposal.  The budget breakdown must reflect the funds going to each school. 

Timeline *

1. Submit SEEDS Chapter Grant application
2. Notification of acceptance or decline within 30 days of applications deadline
3. If your proposal is accepted, return the signed agreement form within 7 calendar days.
4. Expect to receive the check within 4 weeks
5. Completion of projects 
6. Submit the final Chapter Grant Report

*Assuming all the information received is correct.

Awardees are expected to: 

  1. share pictures of chapter grant activities to be displayed on the SEEDS Instagram (@esa.seeds) and Facebook page
  2. complete final narrative and expense reports within 60 days of completion 

Selection Criteria 

Obtaining a SEEDS Chapter Grant is a competitive process and awards will be made on the basis of the strength of the proposal and the cost-effectiveness of the proposed activities in furthering the mission of SEEDS and promoting ecological science education and/or research. A higher ranking will be given to projects with broad impact and dissemination and to those that include matching funds (anything from a small campus fundraiser to large institutional support). A selection committee of Ecological Society of America members will review proposals. 

Please download the proposal guidelines for information on what to include in your proposal. All sections must be included to be considered. 2024 SEEDS Chapter Project Grant Proposal Guidelines


Click Here for the 2025 Fall SEEDS Chapter Grant Application

This application period will remain OPEN until May 31, 2025.