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2025 SEEDS National BioBlitz Competition

What is a BioBlitz?

A BioBlitz is an opportunity to take a snapshot of the biodiversity, or variety of life, in an area. During a BioBlitz event, students, scientists, and the general public work together to find and identify as many plants, animals, and other organisms as possible in a short time (read more here). 

BioBlitzes are important because they allow the public to work alongside scientists and, in this process, participants gain skills and explore nature while contributing to scientific research. Of course, the more people participate, the more species are found and identified! It also helps the public learn about local natural spaces by empowering participants to better understand and protect biodiversity.

This year, we’re announcing the 2025 SEEDS National BioBlitz competition where the SEEDS Chapter with the most observations recorded through the week of April 21 – April 28 will win!

How to Participate in this years’ SEEDS National BioBlitz:

  1. Create an iNaturalist account or login to an existing account on the iNaturalist website.
  2. Once logged in go to the “Projects” tab and click on Start a Project.
  3. Choose a Collection Project and click Get Started

a. Make sure your project name includes your Chapter name or institution and the year 2025 (“SEEDS National BioBlitz 2025: your chapter name/institution”)

b. Upload a unique Project Icon/Banner and create a project summary. For example: “A BioBlitz focuses on finding and identifying as many species as possible in a given area. We are tapping into our SEEDS Chapter Network across the country to encourage interactions with nature! It is a competitive event – may the best chapter win.”

c. Project Type: select Collection

d. Under Observation Requirements:

  • Leave “Include Taxa” space blank
  • Include Users – Your chapter/community members that wish to participate
  • Include Places – either choose the local area around your institution or choose the entirety of the United States so that all your members can participate

e. Do not check the “Project Members Only” box and leave “None” on the With Annotations box.

f. Data Quality: Select Research Grade, Needs ID, & Casual

g. Media Type: Select Any

h. Establishment Means: Select Any

i. Date Observed: select Range and April 21 – April 28 as start/end time

j. Trust: Check the “Allow members to trust this project with hidden coordinates”

k. Choose your admins! (SEEDS Leaders & advisors) and add SEEDSBioBlitz as an admin.

  1. Email AND with your project name to be added to the umbrella project (competition). This might take a day or two. Your email to us is the official ‘sign up’ for the competition! If there are any issues or questions, please email us.

Please sign your Chapter up by Thursday, April 17!

  1. Share with your members!



  • All chapters that sign up to participate will receive a SEEDS BioBlitz swag bag after the Bioblitz Competition.
  • Additionally, SEEDS will sponsor an end-of-semester celebration* for the winning Chapter! (*capped at $250)



  • Observations must be noted from April 21 – April 28 only! (Data collected in previous BioBlitz or iNaturalist projects may not be used.)
    • Only observations made during the time frame count, you cannot upload photos taken from before April 21 or after April 28
  • The Chapter with the most observations will be the winner.
  • SEEDS Chapters must be “Active In Good Standing” or “Active” status to participate.


May the most observant SEEDS Chapter win!