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HTML Semantics


Please read these important reasons for using headings

  • SEO
  • Usability
  • Theme Consistency (dependencies)

Critical Note

Where to start? 

The title of your document should be the H1.   When you begin working within the document you begin with H2.  Your top-level heading is H2 becasue your page title is the H1.  To reiterate when working in the document (and a WordPress page) we beging with H2 at the top of the page.  The page title shows as the H1 by default.

Using Headings in Word

You don’t have to add headings in WordPress.  You can incorporate headings into your source document.  Using our organization’s software, Word, please see the following instructions. It is a good idea to use headings in your workflow.  

Main menu

Picture of a Microsoft Word interface.

Access headings in Microsoft Word main menu.


Contextual menu

Image of a Microsoft Word interface.

Access headings by using right click after highlighting a section of text.