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Information on Publicity for Authors and Press Officers


Primary contact: ESA Public Affairs Manager Mayda Nathan,


Embargo policy

ESA does not embargo papers to be published in Ecology, Ecological Applications, Ecological Monographs, and Ecosphere. ESA also does not put press holds on papers. If you wish to write a press release, you should be ready to issue your press release when the DOI and URL become available and the paper is published online. For specifics, please visit our Promote Your Paper page for Frequently Asked Questions.

Papers in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment follow a slightly different process – currently, authors / press officers may coordinate the publication date of their accepted paper with ESA’s press office.


When will my article be published?

Ecosphere, Ecology, Ecological Applications, and Ecological Monographs: ESA’s open access and hybrid journals have a rolling production schedule. These manuscripts are not published as Early View and first appear online in the issue of record.

Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment: Manuscripts accepted for publication in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment are made available online ahead of issue placement as “Early View” papers as soon as editing, typesetting, and proof corrections are complete. Early View papers are formatted for HTML as well as PDF and are considered the version of record prior to final issue publication.


Social media and talking to reporters

ESA encourages authors to talk and tweet about their published papers. Sharing the news of an accepted paper on social media is also fine. The main findings of a paper should not be reported in the mass media prior to the paper’s publication. Authors are permitted to present their data at scientific conferences and seminars but should not overtly seek media attention. Specifically, authors should decline participation in news briefings relating to the particular research findings reported in papers that are “In Press.” If a reporter attends an author’s session at a meeting and writes a story based only on the presentation, such coverage will not affect consideration of the author’s paper.



Authors may present their unpublished data at scientific conferences and seminars. If a member of the press attends a presentation and writes a story based only on the presentation, such coverage will not affect consideration of the author’s paper by ESA journals, but we ask that authors not seek out press attention for unpublished results through press releases or participation in news briefings.

If an author presents a talk or poster at the Ecological Society of America’s annual meeting and the material in the presentation has been accepted for publication in one of the Society’s journals, then the author is permitted to speak to the press about the presentation. The author can provide data, figures, etc., from the presentation to journalists, but should not provide the accepted manuscript.

ESA Annual Meeting abstracts are not embargoed.

If you have questions about ESA’s policies, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our public affairs staff or the journal’s editorial staff.


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