Promote Your Paper
Has your paper been accepted in an ESA journal? Do you think your results might be newsworthy? If so, please fill out the form below to tell ESA’s press office why your paper might be of interest to the press and public. Additionally, please use this form to let us know that your institution is planning publicity for your paper. The ESA press office will then contact you if they are able to publicize your work. For any questions, see our FAQs below, or email
The ESA press office routinely works with press officers of universities, research institutions, and government agencies to publicize new research published in ESA journals. If you are planning a press release, blog post, or other publicity, we can help to amplify your work by posting the media on our website and promoting it on social media.
Please tell us about the accepted paper by filling out the form below. This form will allow you to tell us where the paper is in the publishing process and give us details on how and when you plan to publicize it. The ESA press office will then contact you for more information.
Working with ESA can help boost your message and allow your scientists’ work to reach a broader audience. Please see the following section for important information about ESA’s publicity policies.
When can I expect my paper to be published?
For Ecology, Ecological Monographs, and Ecological Applications, following transmission to the publisher, the paper will go through the copyediting, typesetting, and proofreading process. Open Access may be purchased optionally at this stage. Once this process is complete, the paper’s typeset version of record (in HTML and PDF formats) is published in “Early View” ahead of final issue placement.
For Ecosphere, following transmission to the publisher, the paper will go through the copyediting, typesetting, and proofreading process, and the Open Access fee must be received by the publisher. Once this process is complete, the paper’s typeset version of record (in HTML and PDF formats) is published in the current issue.
Please note: Papers in Ecology, Ecological Monographs, Ecological Applications, and Ecosphere are not immediately transferred to the publisher upon acceptance. Your manuscript will be reviewed by the journal’s production staff before being sent to the publisher. After your manuscript has been approved by the journal’s production staff, it will be transferred to the publisher, and you will be notified.
Papers in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment follow a slightly different process – currently, authors / press officers may coordinate the publication date of their accepted paper with ESA’s press office.
How can I coordinate a press release between my institution and the publisher?
ESA does not embargo press releases, nor does it put holds on papers that have gone to press. Depending on the journal in which your paper is published (see question above), once your paper is sent to press, you should be ready to issue your press release when the DOI and URL become available and the paper is published online.
ESA does not issue press releases before research papers are published online. We prefer public information officers refrain from widely disseminating press releases about ESA journal papers in advance of publication, including posting embargoed press releases on sites like Eurekalert. The ESA press office encourages issuance and posting of non-embargoed press releases, including on sites like Eurkealert, once the paper has been posted online and is widely available with the DOI and URL.
When will I know my DOI and URL?
The publisher will provide the DOI to the corresponding author upon receipt of the files, at the time they supply the license agreement forms for completion. The paper’s URL, upon publication, will be in the form of: (where 10.1002/aaa.1234 is a placeholder for the paper’s DOI, and aaa.1234 are replaced by the letters and numbers specific to your paper’s DOI).
Does ESA need to approve my press release?
ESA does not need to edit or approve your press release. The press release should include the DOI and URL of the paper of discussion. We also ask that you send the ESA Public Information Manager a link to your press release so that we may promote it (contact Mayda Nathan:
Can I promote a paper that has already been published?
Papers that have been recently published (within a couple weeks or months) are most likely to get traction with the press and media. We encourage you to submit information in the publication form if that is the case.
Can I fill out the publicity form if my paper has not yet been accepted for publication?
Only papers that have been accepted for publication in one of ESA’s journals should be submitted in the form below. If your paper is accepted in Ecology, Ecological Applications, Ecological Monographs, or Ecosphere, you will receive (or have received) an email explaining options for publicity of your paper with ESA.
If you have more questions about how to publicize your paper, email Mayda Nathan (