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Student Programs

SEEDS – Strategies for Ecology Education, Diversity and Sustainability

The Strategies for Ecology Education, Diversity and Sustainability (SEEDS) program is the award-winning flagship education program of the Ecological Society. Its mission is to diversify and advance the ecology profession through opportunities that stimulate and nurture the interest of underrepresented students to participate, and to lead in ecology. The core SEEDS program components offer hands-on, engaging experiences with ecology that exhibit the relevance and applications of the science.

Each experience also provides opportunities to interact with a diverse group of ecologists and other motivated students to both broaden and deepen students’ understanding of ecology and potential careers. Focused mainly at the undergraduate level, with extension services for communities, high schools, graduate students, and international collaborations, the SEEDS program promotes an ecology profession with wide representation to ensure environmental understanding and a sustainable future for all.




Scientists in Parks

The National Park Service (NPS), The Ecological Society of America and several other non-governmental partners bring together decades of experience in national park internships to produce the Scientists in Parks (SIP) Program. The SIP Program merged three earlier National Park Service internship programs: Geoscientists in the Parks, Mosaics in Science and Future Park Leaders of Emerging Change.

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EcologyPlus is a pilot program serving diverse college students and early career professionals in the Washington, D.C / Maryland area interested in ecology or environmental fields. EcologyPlus is made possible with a grant from the National Science Foundation.

EcologyPlus is both an alliance and an approach to integrate available partner programs that foster the participation of Black, Indigenous and People of Color in a broad range of career pathways where ecology plays a role. EcologyPlus recognizes the need for diverse ecological expertise in a wide variety of fields. 

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ESA-USGS Summer Cooperative Fellowship Program

The Ecological Society of America is pleased to partner with the US Geological Survey to offer summer internships to outstanding field-trained undergraduates for whom the experience would be transformative. The ESA-USGS Cooperative Summer Fellowship Program was established in 2018 to complement the USGS longstanding NAGT/USGS internship program.  The agency is now seeking to expand the program to students trained in biological or ecological field methods. 

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PlantingScience is a learning and research resource, bringing together students from grades 6-12, plant scientists, and teachers from across the nation. Students engage in hands-on plant investigations, working with peers and scientist mentors to build collaborations and to improve their understanding of science. Student groups are mentored by scientists online as they complete an inquiry-based curriculum in their classroom. Managed by the Botanical Society of America. ESA is a Scientific Society partner.

Each year, ESA’s Education Section sponsors the Master Plant Science Team of graduate students. Applications open around June each year.



ESA Chapter and Section Student Travel Awards

From Applied Ecology to Vegetation, the ESA Chapters and Sections offer  more than 10 different travel awards to support student attendance at the ESA Annual Meeting to give presentations on various ecological topics. Be sure to check the page regularly for application details and deadlines.

Ecology as a Career

Be sure to visit this page to explore paths to becoming an ecologist!

What Does Ecology Have To Do With Me?
Brochure introducing readers to ecology and its role in human society.


ESA Student Community

ESA Student Section
Facilitates communication among students and between students and ESA.