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Internship Opportunity


Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and the Illinois Natural History Survey, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, announce the first year of a National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site, Exploring Evidence of the Anthropocene: Archaeological and Ecological Interdisciplinary Research Experiences for First Generation Students in the Upper Mississippi River System (NSF Award No.1659633). This REU site will offer students experiential, interdisciplinary research…

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Field Assistant

Field Assistant Opportunity location: Montana Job Description: We are looking for a field assistant to participate in a study of fire history and controls on burn severity in lower treeline forests within mixed severity fire regimes. The field assistant will work as part of an international team of scientists to collect dendroecological and stand structure data from sites in the…

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BLM Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail – Wilderness Internship

American Conservation Experience:BLM Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail – Wilderness Internship Summary: American Conservation Experience, a nationwide Non-Profit Conservation Corps based in Flagstaff, AZ, in partnership with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Bakersfield Field Office, is seeking twointerns to dedicate 6-months to the management, restoration and protection of the area’s diverse and significant natural and cultural resources. This opportunity…

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Palomarin Field Station Research Internships

Palomarin Field Station Research Internships Interns needed at PRBO Conservation Science’s Palomarin Field Station on the California coast, north of San Francisco. We have been studying songbirds at the Palomarin Field Station since 1965, with special focus on the breeding ecology of Wrentits and Song Sparrows. Fieldwork includes some combination of mist-netting, banding adults and nestlings, nest searching, habitat assessment,…

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PhD Graduate Assistantship

PhD Graduate Assistantship New Mexico State University Project relates to source-sink dynamics in burrowing owl populations at an ecoregional scale in black-tailed prairie dog colonies with 6 study areas from Chihuahua Mexico to South Dakota. The Ph.D. student will work with capture-recapture and stable isotope databases related to survivorship, movement patterns and general ecology. Applicants should have a B.Sc, (M.Sc….

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Conservation and Land Management Intern Program

Conservation and Land Management Intern ProgramChicago Botanic Garden, the Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service and the USDA Forest Service This is an amazing opportunity for recent and upcoming science graduates to learn about land management while working with a mentor in the western United States. We have current openings in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico,…

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Summer Jobs in Soil Survey

Summer Jobs in Soil Survey Alaska Soil Survey Program Homer, Alaska and Fairbanks Alaska The Alaska soil survey program will be filling up to four Plant Ecologist (Bio-Technician) positions for the summer of 2008. Positions will be located in Homer, Alaska and in Fairbanks Alaska. Length of the assignments will be approximately 18 weeks for the surveys out of Homer…

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College Internship Opportunities in Marine Science

College Internship Opportunities in Marine ScienceMote Marine LaboratorySarasota, FL Organization DescriptionMote Marine Laboratory, a nonprofit organization, was founded in 1955 as a place “where people can learn more about the sea.” Today Mote, one of the few remaining independent marine research facilities in the United States, serves as a center for research, scientific collaboration, and public education focused on our…

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