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Past Webevents

Career Panel: Sow Your Career in Agriculture!

April 7, 2022 at 4:00PM ET

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Are you looking for a way to combine your interest in food, justice, community, science, and climate resilience? Discover a career in agriculture! With a diversity of skill sets from crop production to carbon market analysis to coalition building, our panelists represent the diversity of people and skills needed in this market! Join us on April 7th for a discussion on their careers, how they got there, and how you can sow your career in agriculture and environmental science.

Michelle Nelson, Community Garden Program Manager at Montgomery Parks
Leonardo Calle, Data Scientist at Regrow and PhD Student at Montana State University
Kerrin Massarueh, Community Farm Coordinator at BMoreAg

Kevin Bryan, Co-founder & Managing Director at Nature for Justice and Principal at Equnival LLC

EcologyPlus Career Panel: Environmental Policy, Advocacy, & Law
February 24, 2022 4:00PM ET

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Today, we are more aware of environmental stressors and impacts than ever. But what is the difference between environmental policy, law, and advocacy? How do science and policy interact? How can scientists become involved in decision-making processes? What do careers in these fields look like? Join us in a panel with Dr. Heidi Weiskel, Dr. Emily Klein, and Maya Hermann , as we explore what they do on a day-to-day basis,how they got there, and advice they have for those looking to break into this field.

Dr. Heidi Weiskel, Staff Scientist at Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide
Dr. Emily Klein, Aquatic Sciences Officer at Pew Charitable Trusts
Maya Hermann, Legislative Assistant in the Office of US Senator Martin Heinrich of New Mexico


EcologyPlus Black History Month: Highlighting Student Research
February 17, 2022 4:00PM ET

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Celebrate Black History Month with EcologyPlus Students who will share their research and science journey.


  • Elijah Catalan, PhD Student – Institute of Environment & Sustainability, University of California, Los Angeles
  • Praise-God Igwe, recent graduate, University of Maryland, Department of Biology
  • Autumn McNeil, Emory University- Masters of Public Health program

Speaker Bios

Praise-God Igwe is a University of Maryland Fall 2021 graduate with a B.S. in Biology with a specialization in ecology and evolution. Currently assisting with multiple research projects in the Hamby Lab, with a focus on Maria Cramer’s research on the impact of preventatively-applied pesticides on insect communities in grain crops. I am interested in furthering my education with graduate school in entomology under a systematics/insect bioinformatics program and planning to enter a career in museum collections. Aside from collections,  I am interested in other forms of entomological outreach which such as through my volunteer work at the University of Maryland Insect Zoo program.

Autumn McNeill is a Howard University Alumna with two Bachelors of Arts in Environmental Studies and Sociology from the class of 2020.  Ms. McNeill has conducted research on lead and drinking water contamination in an urban setting, gentrification in residential neighborhoods of color and more. Ms. McNeill has interned with the Environmental Protection Agency, Ecology Society of America and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In 2022, Ms. McNeill will be graduating from the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University within the Behavioral, Social, and Health Education Sciences department. Today, she works with the Emergency Response and Recovery Branch at the CDC in their communications department. Her interests include environmental equity, sustainability in urban communities and community engagement.

Elijah Catalan is a Ph.D. student at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in the Institute of Environment and Sustainability. He conducts interdisciplinary research utilizing genomic-based biodiversity monitoring and biogeochemistry to examine the impacts of climate and anthropogenic stressors as well as restoration and conservation efforts in coastal systems. Elijah also seeks to decolonize scientific research and advance environmental justice through his work in the Center for Diverse Leadership in Science at UCLA. He is a class of 2020 alumnus of Howard University in Washington, D.C. where he was a double major in biology and environmental studies. After finishing his graduate studies, Elijah plans to enter a research-based career where he can help protect and empower those communities disproportionately impacted by environmental conditions and underrepresented in the field of environmental stewardship.

Diversity in Environmental Leadership and Science
February 11, 2022 4:00PM ET

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Explore Fellowships that support Diversity in Environmental Leadership and Science. EcologyPlus is pleased to present:


Maria Johnson, RAY Diversity Fellowship
Fred Abbott, ESA SPUR Fellowship
Breanna Ondich, SFS EMERGE Fellowship

Oct 29, 2020 Extend Your Network and Find the Opportunities

How do you extend your network? Where are the opportunities in your field and how can you find them? Professional societies are key. But what do they do? Join the EcologyPlus Networking Webevent to hear diverse leaders in four professional societies in the environmental biology field share information about benefits of joining them and learn about their diversity mentoring initiatives.


Film strip style head shots of the panelists.

Botanical Society of America

Preparing Leaders and Nurturing Tomorrow’s Scientists (PLANTS)

  • Dr. Ann Sakai, University of California Irvine
  • Imeña Valdes, MS student at Northwestern University

Society of Freshwater Science

Instars Program

  • Dr. Checo Colon-Gaud, Georgian Southern University

Society of Wetland Scientists

Society of Wetland Scientists’ Multicultural Mentoring Program (SWaMMP)

  • Dr. Vanessa Lougheed, University of Texas at El Paso
  • Dr. Elliot White, University of Virginia


Ecological Society of America

Strategies for Ecology Education, Diversity and Sustainability (SEEDS)

  • Teresa Mourad, Ecological Society of America

October 6, 2020 Planning for your Career in Uncertainty – and Sticking to it

Are you wondering what your next steps may be for your career trajectory in the environmental field? Do you have a five-year plan gone awry due to the coronavirus pandemic? Join us for a webchat to engage with environmental professionals at different stages of their career with tips on how to create your individual career plan, or update one, and how to effectively execute it during uncertain times.


A winner
  • Tanaira Cullens, Environmental Scientist,


A winner
  • Edem Yevoo, graduate student

Energy and Resources Group, UC Berkeley

  • Quin Holifield, Soil Scientist,

USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station, Baltimore Field Station

July 23, 2020  Hiring Under COVID-19

How has COVID-19 impacted the job search and hiring process? What, if anything, has changed in terms of qualifications, work demands, skillsets? How do we all adjust to this new environment?

Join a panel of representatives from different corners of the ecological community to provide their insights on what it has been like to look for employees during the pandemic. Don’t miss this web networking chat – we’d like to hear from all currently on the hunt for a job or for a new opportunity.


  • Liliana Del Mar, Senior Human Resources Manager, Oceana
  • Marielena Octavio, Mediator and Program Associate, Meridian Institute, and Environment and Public Policy (EPP) Section of the Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR)
  • Laura Oremland, Education Program Manager, NOAA Fisheries Office of Science and Technology.

Jun 18, 2020  High Impact Careers With Your Degree: A Discussion with Christopher Agard and Gerald Bright

Join us for a discussion of the career paths of these two successful members of the science community who originally studied the same discipline of Biology during their undergraduate degree, yet ended up in very different, highly impactful positions in their professional lives. Christopher Agard and Gerald Bright provide insight into their own experience of navigating career options within the field of science and how to find opportunities available that may not be immediately apparent.

Host: George Middendorf, Professor of Biology, Howard University and Co-PI, EcologyPlus


  • Christopher Agard is currently employed at the Educational Testing Service as a Senior Product Manager. He is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at Temple University.
  • Gerald W. Bright Jr. manages the Green Stormwater Operations Unit within the Philadelphia Water Department’s Operations Division. He also serves as an adjunct professor at Eastern University.