Fund for the Future
Your generosity helps ESA meet the challenges of the future and inspire a new generation of leaders with the skills to shape the agenda for ecological science through the next century.
Our Fund for the Future currently has three primary giving opportunities.
Two are focused on development of a new generation of ecologists. Fund for the Future supports the award-winning SEEDS program and the Les Real and Jim Brown Student Travel Fund for students to attend ESA’s annual meeting. Your contribution allows students to take advantage of new opportunities which forward ESA’s role as the advocate for ecological science in America.
Please contribute to our general Fund for the Future or select from any of our targeted donation funds and endowments listed below.
SEEDS Program
This year we are highlighting the Henry L Gholz SEEDS National Field Trip Endowment in Fund for the Future. Contributions to the endowment fosters greater diversity in the profession of ecology. The SEEDS Endowment provides support for students to participate in a field trip to an ecologically significant site. Often, the trip is the first time that students experience a field station or an ecosystem completely different than they one they grew up in. SEEDS – Strategies for Ecology Education, Diversity and Sustainability – has allowed hundreds of underrepresented college students to participate in the ecological community.
Opportunity Fund
Contributions to the Opportunity Fund will be used to take advantage of opportunities that could not be accomplished through our regular budget. General contributions to ESA helped launch Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, the Millennium Conference Series (renamed the Emerging Issues Conference), the Federation of the Americas (a collaboration of ecological societies in the Americas) and many other exciting initiatives.
Student Travel Fund
Help students to attend the Annual Meeting by supporting the Les Real/Jim Brown Student Travel Fund. Students are the life blood of our profession. Their participation at the Annual Meeting is essential to advancement of their careers and a source of vitality and excitement for our meetings.
Why Donate?

“By bringing undergraduates [to the Annual Meeting], [SEEDS] shows them that yes, your work is good enough to be here.”
Planned Giving
Turn your lifelong commitment to the science and profession of ecology into a lasting legacy. Discuss a planned gift or bequest to ESA with your financial advisor. For gifts of appreciated securities or other financial instruments call the Washington D.C. office at 202-833-8773 and we are happy to help create the plan. Or explore our partner website: Future Focus.
We hosted a chat on April 6, 2021, New Concepts and Strategies for Charitable Gift Planning, that delved into the benefits of planned giving and how to make the most of it in the current legal environment.
Preferred Payment Methods

You do not need to have a PayPal® account to use a credit card.
If you wish to use your credit card, please:
- Ignore the PayPal login form.
- Look for a button or link that says “Pay with a debit or credit card” or “PayPal Credit” BELOW the PayPal account login buttons.
- Be sure to select CREDIT card (there is a DEBIT card option as well).
If you have any difficulty in making your contribution online, please feel free to contact the webmaster:
Gordon Potter,
(Note: This is a guide. Over time, internet browsers may display information differently.)
To contribute by mail, please send a check to:
Ecological Society of America
1990 M Street, NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036.
Please indicate the fund you are donating to in the memo line. Note if this is an anonymous donation.
Contact the Ecological Society of America with any questions at 202-833-8773 or email our inbox: