U P D A T E S :
FT 3, FT 6, TK 1, TK 2 and WK 3 are sold out. WK 4 and WK 5 are cancelled.

Meeting Highlights -June 1, 2019

Dear Colleagues,

Ryan W. McEwan, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Biology -University of Dayton

As a native Kentuckian, and Program Chair of the 2019 Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, I want to welcome you to the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the city of Louisville.  Celebrating the 20th year since passing its fairness ordinance, and with a perfect score from the Human Rights Campaign, Louisville lies at geographic and cultural intersections that create a rich backdrop for what is a truly amazing program.  This year’s meeting is being held in conjunction with the United States Society for Ecological Economics (USSEE) which I hope provides exciting opportunities for bridging science and application and for the establishment of fresh dialog and new collaborations.   

This year’s theme is Bridging Communities and Ecosystems: Inclusion as an Ecological Imperative.  Expanding inclusivity is an urgent objective of the Ecological Society of America.   At this year’s meeting, we have an excellent set of workshops and special sessions, many of which provide state-of-the-art training on issues related to inclusion.  I am particularly proud of the slate of Plenary presentations at this year’s meeting.  Karen M. Warkentin, Katharine Suding Diane Pataki and Robin Kimmerer are the ESA Plenary speakers this year, and they will be joined by a special USSEE plenary address by Daniel Childers. Taken together, I believe these presentations offer an expansive perspective on a range of topics and advance the meeting theme in an excellent way.

The convention center is located in the cultural and culinary epicenter of the city.  You will find yourself in walking distance to a wide variety of dining options and attractions that are unique to Louisville including the Muhammad Ali Center, the Belle of Louisville Steamboat and the many opportunities to learn about the bourbon heritage of the region. 

With an outstanding scientific program on tap, and the intriguing backdrop of downtown Louisville, I hope that you find this year’s meeting invigorating and fun. 


Best wishes and see you in Louisville,





Ryan McEwan, 2019 Program Chair

ryan.mcewan@udayton.edu : @mcewanlab
