Chemical connections between the living world and the nonliving physical environment.
Monday, August 12th
1:30 PM
Effects of urban land use on wetland surface water quality and biogeochemical implications
Lauren Kinsman-Costello
Organized oral sessions, M104
Lauren Kinsman-Costello
Organized oral sessions, M104
2:30 PM
Floodplains and stormwater wetlands create connectivity and dynamic biogeochemistry in urban watersheds
Sara McMillian
Organized oral sessions, M104
Sara McMillian
Organized oral sessions, M104
2:50 PM
Missing land carbon linked to plant rooting depth and functional biodiversity
Migzhen Lu
Contributed talks, M105/106
Migzhen Lu
Contributed talks, M105/106
Tuesday, August 13th
8:00 AM
10:10 AM
Investigating the role of roadside ditch networks as conduits or filters of dissolved nutrients to a stream in a rural, agricultural landscape in New York
Rebecca Schneider
Contributed talks, M101/102
Rebecca Schneider
Contributed talks, M101/102
2:30 PM
Effects of climate change across seasons on tree growth and carbon sequestration in a northern hardwood forest
Pamela H. Templer
Contributed talks, M105/106
Pamela H. Templer
Contributed talks, M105/106
Wednesday, August 14th
8:00 AM
Exposure to antibiotics alters microbial communities and terrestrial elemental cycling
Carl Wepking
Contributed talks, L007/008
Carl Wepking
Contributed talks, L007/008
9:50 AM
Mice-o-scapes: Using isotopes to understand the effects of climate and landscape change on small-mammal ecology over the past century
Tara M. Smiley
Contributed talks, M111
Tara M. Smiley
Contributed talks, M111
10:10 AM
Ignoring the impact of burrowing crabs causes an underestimation of the salt marsh carbon flux
Laura Elisabeth Agusto
Contributed talks, M112
Laura Elisabeth Agusto
Contributed talks, M112
2:50 PM
Shifts in post-dam removal fish communities and body size reduce community-level nutrient excretion rates
David W.P. Manning
Contributed Talks, M105/106
David W.P. Manning
Contributed Talks, M105/106
4:30 PM
Effects of chronic nitrogen addition on soil nutrient cycling and ectomycorrhizal fungi at the Harvard Forest
Emma Conrad-Rooney
Contributed posters, Exhibit hall
Emma Conrad-Rooney
Contributed posters, Exhibit hall
4:30 PM
Bison grazing increases N availability, but fire cessation increases both C availability and denitrification potential, in tallgrass prairie soils
Jaide H. Allenbrand
Contributed posters, Exhibit hall
Jaide H. Allenbrand
Contributed posters, Exhibit hall
Thursday, August 15th
9:50 AM
Exploitation of fungal nutrient economy by invasive plant jeopardizes future soil productivity in forests
Joesph D. Edwards
Contributed talks, L005/009
Joesph D. Edwards
Contributed talks, L005/009
10:50 AM
The role of predation by waterbirds in moderating wetland greenhouse gas emissions
Andrew S. Mehring
Contributed talks, M111
Andrew S. Mehring
Contributed talks, M111
11:10 AM
Historical forest disturbance alters microbial diversity and ecosystem function in Appalachian soils
Ernest D. Osburn
Contributed talks, M111
Ernest D. Osburn
Contributed talks, M111
2:30 PM
Climate induced shifts in seagrass species affect both ecosystem functions and services
Ashley R. Smyth
Symposia, Ballroom E
Ashley R. Smyth
Symposia, Ballroom E
4:10 PM
Oyster aquaculture and restoration: Nutrient removal ecosystem services as a management tool
Suzanne Bricker
Symposia, Ballroom E
Suzanne Bricker
Symposia, Ballroom E