U P D A T E S :
FT 3, FT 6, TK 1, TK 2 and WK 3 are sold out. WK 4 and WK 5 are cancelled.

Membership & Registration, Invitation Letters

Maya Sohn / Membership Associate
Phone: (202) 833-8773 x 219
Email: maya@esa.org

Student Volunteers

Danielle Slatkin / Meetings Assistant
Phone: (202) 833-8773 x 216
Email: danielle@esa.org

Session Proposals, Abstracts, Presentations

Jennifer Riem / Meeting Program Associate
Phone: (202) 833-8773 x 218
Email: jennifer@esa.org

Exhibits, Ads & Sponsorships

Wendy Ashburn / Exhibit, Sponsorship, & Advertising Manager
Phone: (240) 416-4227
Email: exhibits@esa.org

Housing, Section & Chapter Business Meetings, Social Events, Session Room Logistics

Christi R. Nam, CMP / Associate Director, Conventions & Meetings
Phone: (202) 833-8773 x 213
Email: christi@esa.org


Zoe Gentes / Public Information Manager
Phone: (202) 833-8773 x 211
Email: zgentes@esa.org


Gordon Potter / Information Systems Manager
Phone: (202) 833-8773 x 210
Email: webmaster@esa.org

If you do not see the topic you need listed above

Phone: (202) 833-8773
Fax: (202) 833-8775
Email: esahq@esa.org