Research into the causes, patterns, and ecological consequences of fire.
Monday, August 12th
2:10 PM
Fire frequency, state change and hysteresis in tallgrass prairie
Scott L. Collins
Contributed talks, M109/110
Scott L. Collins
Contributed talks, M109/110
2:50 PM
Biodiversity-function relations disrupted: The role of fire and urbanization disturbances in forest ecosystems of the southeastern United States
Jessica A.M. Moore
Organized oral sessions, M103
Jessica A.M. Moore
Organized oral sessions, M103
4:20 PM
Severe fire slows microbial decomposition in a fire frequented longleaf pine savanna
Jacob R. Hopkins
Contributed talks, M109/110
Jacob R. Hopkins
Contributed talks, M109/110
4:30 PM
Disentangling disturbances: Effects of fire severity and urbanization on plant communities in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Mali M. Hubert
Contributed posters, Exhibit hall
Mali M. Hubert
Contributed posters, Exhibit hall
4:30 PM
Effects of fire regime on bark beetles and tree defenses in longleaf pine
Haley M.W. Ritger
Contributed posters, Exhibit hall
Haley M.W. Ritger
Contributed posters, Exhibit hall
Tuesday, August 13th
8:20 AM
Direct and indirect effects of fire management on tick abundance in the Southeast United States
Whalen W. Dillion
Contributed talks, M109/110
Whalen W. Dillion
Contributed talks, M109/110
2:50 PM
Rodent seedling folivory and fire in the Great Basin and Mojave Deserts
Rebekah L. Stanton
Contributed talks, L007/008
Rebekah L. Stanton
Contributed talks, L007/008
4:20 PM
Wednesday, August 14th
1:50 PM
Animals as seed dispersers: Avian seed dispersal in post-fire landscapes
Diana F. Tomback
Organized oral sessions, M104
Diana F. Tomback
Organized oral sessions, M104
2:10 PM
Loss of biotic resistance conferred by rodent herbivores and high propagule pressure promote invasive grass-fire cycles
Samuel B. St. Clair
Organized oral sessions, M104
Samuel B. St. Clair
Organized oral sessions, M104
2:50 PM
Quantifying carbon and species dynamics under different fire regimes in a southeastern U.S. pineland
Steven A. Flanagan
Contributed talks, L103
Steven A. Flanagan
Contributed talks, L103
3:40 PM
Fungal spore dispersal into burned forests: Ectomycorrhizal fungal spore banks and recovery after high-severity fire
Sydney I. Glassman
Organized oral sessions, M104
Sydney I. Glassman
Organized oral sessions, M104
4:00 PM
Seed availability constrains stand recovery and tree range expansion under increased fire activity in the subarctic
Carissa D. Brown
Organized oral sessions, M104
Carissa D. Brown
Organized oral sessions, M104
Thursday, August 15th
8:00 AM
Impacts of a changing fire regime on the long-term carbon balance of boreal forests
Xanthe J. Walker
Organized oral sessions, M103
Xanthe J. Walker
Organized oral sessions, M103
8:20 AM
Fire-mediated tipping points in tropical forests of West Africa
Francis K. Dwomoh
Organized oral sessions, M103
Francis K. Dwomoh
Organized oral sessions, M103
8:20 AM
Large-scale forest restoration stabilizes carbon under climate change in Southwest U.S
Lisa A. McCauley
Contributed talks, M105/106
Lisa A. McCauley
Contributed talks, M105/106
10:50 AM
Controls on severity of reburns in California montane forests
Alan H. Taylor
Organized oral sessions, M103
Alan H. Taylor
Organized oral sessions, M103
Friday, August 16th
8:00 AM
A sixteen-year record of exotic plant dynamics, following deliberate introduction from post-fire seeding and subsequent re-burn, in a southwestern ponderosa pine-mixed conifer forest
Jens T. Stevens
Contributed talks, L006
Jens T. Stevens
Contributed talks, L006
9:00 AM
Mesophication of upland oak forests: Shifting species composition alters fuelbed flammability
Jennifer K. McDaniel
Contributed talks, L006
Jennifer K. McDaniel
Contributed talks, L006
9:50 AM
Burning questions: The role of wildfire severity on plant function through disruptions of plant-soil interactions
Kendall K. Beals
Contributed talks, L006
Kendall K. Beals
Contributed talks, L006
10:10 AM
Wildfire response to climate warming in the Sierra Nevada assessed using daily weather and burned area observations
Aurora A. Gutierrez
Contributed talks, L006
Aurora A. Gutierrez
Contributed talks, L006